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"Hey Saiki, do you like Y/n?" Kaido asked looking up from his comic that he yet again was borrowing from Saiki. The pink-haired boy seemed very steamed by the question and glared at Kaido

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? No, I don't like Y/n! Do you?" Saiko asked giving the boy a taste of his own medicine. Kaido felt his face heat up from the idea of dating the girl. He couldn't help but get embarrassed and shove his face in the boy's comic

"Hey. That's my comic, don't put your dirty face on it!" Saiki scolded the teen. Kaido placed his comic down on the table next to the couch the two were hanging out on.

"I don't know. If I like Y/n, I guess the idea of dating anyone would be nice." Kaido said. Saiki looked up in thought

"Dating anyone? What about Yumehara? You like her, right?" Saiki suggested the orange-haired girl. Kaido seemed a little shocked at the mention of the girl

"Yumehara? I never gave her much thought." Saiki rolled his eyes at the boy's answer

"She's certainly given you every thought." Saiki thought to himself thinking about how crazy the orange-haired girl was about Kaido. The two shared a small silence amongst each other, one that Saiki appropriated.

"What do you think happened to Kuboyasu? He just kind of disappeared..." Kaido mumbled a little upset by his friend's lack of presence. Saiki rolled his eyes and grabbed the remote beginning to switch through the channels

"Don't know, don't care," Saiki added. Kaido stared at the boy in shock

"Y/n was upset I'm by his leaving. I wonder if the two had something going on. What do you think?" Kaido asked scooting closer toward the psychic

"They didn't. I don't think Kuboyasu is even Y/n's type." Saiki frowned at Kaido's persistence.

"Y/n even started feeding his cat while he was gone. Maybe she expects him to come back since she has yet to take the cat home herself." Kaido asked using his surprising amount of deduction skills (Saiki never knew he had any)

"Sometimes I get jealous of Kuboyasu. He got the attention of someone like Y/n!" Kaido smiled at the thought of his friend.

"I know what you mean," Saiki said placing the remote down at his side after giving up on finding an interesting show. The small smile Saiki made at the remembrance of the girl did not go unnoticed by Kaido who decided to take a mental note of the boy's expression.

"Im gonna get going. I'll return this comic tomorrow." Kaido said grabbing the small book from the table where he left Saiki with his thoughts.


The next morning, Y/n decided to do like the blonde woman said and tried avoiding Akechi for the day. Of course, it wasn't easy seeing as he would mostly look around while walking to school (almost catching the girl three times).
When the two made it to the school she would mostly walk silently behind a tall person.
She was lucky enough to find a really abnormally tall teenager who provided the most camouflage for the girl. Unfortunately, her position was blown as soon as she had successfully hidden.

"Huh?! What's that girl doing behind Jojo?"

"Should we say something?"

The group of girls complained quietly behind the two teens. Y/n heard them and urgently bent to the side seeing Akechi still staring at the building, unbothered by the commotion starting to build up behind him. Unfortunately, the tall boy turned around to observe the girl after hearing the girl's complaining. Y/n felt her heart sink after getting caught by the guy himself.

"Oh, sorry! I just needed to hide behind you!" Y/n apologized waving at the boy before taking a short lap around the school building to ensure Akechi had the time to put his shoes on. The teenage boy rolled his eyes and pulled his hat down, casting a shadow over his eyes.

"Good grief." He spoke then continued with his routine of being harassed by the women.

Y/n watched the blonde-haired boy waiting quietly beside the girl's shoe locker. She felt her face becoming less determined once hearing the school bell. Eventually, she sighed and came out from her hiding spot and approached the school seeing the boy's face light up upon seeing her.

"Y/n, good morning! I was waiting for you, I had a feeling you were the type to go to school despite waking up late! You woke up late, right? Is that why you were late?" Akechi questioned the girl. She just simply nodded and began placing her school shoes on.

"But I do have to know, why exactly have you been watching me from afar?" He asked. The girl almost felt nauseous by his question, and even more nauseous when hearing the fake innocence in his voice.

"I'm sorry. There was a girl who told me to avoid you. I know it's stupid to listen to random strangers. But she brought up Saiki! I just wanted to see what that was all about. But I couldn't find anything strange about you." Y/n said. Akechi felt his lips curve upward once hearing the boy's name

"Ahh, Saiki? Is that so?" Akechi asked. Y/n just responded with a short nod watching the blonde-haired boy fall into deep thought.
Once the two made up, Akechi entered the classroom taking a small glance around before his eyes stopped at the familiar pink-haired boy who seemed to be busy resting his chin on the palm of his hand and looking uninterested in the big group of friends trying to start a conversation with him.

"What exactly are you planning, Saiki? Why are you going through so many lengths to purposely reveal yourself to me?" Akechi concluded. Saiki felt himself jump at the boy's deduction.

"Stop creeping me out, we're in a public area."  Saiki cursed Akechi who seemed to take his jump as some sort of confirmation from the pink-haired boy. He wanted to make sure what abilities the boy held. Akechi simply smiled at Saiki, taking note of the boy's reaction to his previous thoughts.

"I know you hear me, Saiki. Leave that poor normal girl alone. I won't let you ruin her. In fact, I'll tell her you're a Psychic. That'll scare her enough to avoid you." Akechi smiled at the boy knowing he would hear his thoughts. He rested his face on the palm of his hand. What he didn't expect was what came next.

"You're such a pain. You can't control your surroundings as easily as you think, Y/n isn't the type of person to avoid someone for a reason like that! You already promised not to tell anyone, or have you forgotten." Saiki argued to the boy making sure to use forced telepathy to pound it into his head. The shocked reaction Saiki was going for didn't seem to show on Akechi's face, that seemed to bother Saiki more.

"Then why have you yet to tell her of your abilities? Why have you yet to tell anyone you're close with, for that matter?" Akechi speculated in his head ignoring the boys last remark about promises

"I don't need to bother explaining to you. I thought our childhood together would be enough of an explanation. Leave me alone." Saiki groaned holding his head in slight pain before turning around to ignore him from then on. Akechi was still satisfied by the boy's answer though. He had all the information he needed to manipulate the boy and the girl.

He was bored, after all.


A/n: YES! I did change up Akechi's personality a little bit! He's still the same, Obviously... Just a tiny bit uhh dark and... Dangerous... I'm not exactly sure why I made him like this but... I kinda like it (don't shame me😭)

Also, today was my sister's birthday! And her cake was all chocolate... And now I feel like garbage... So im gonna get a salad to regain some of my energy.

See you next chapter! (Also, I'm sorry for those who are being directly impacted by Roe v Wade. I'm confident that things will turn to our benefit! Till then, stay calm, stay protected, and stay hopeful!)

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