Escaping trouble

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-Chapter 4-

It's only halfway through the week but it feels like Alexander and I have been friends ages ago. Strange isn't it? He's easy to talk to and a great listener and since we're both nerds we can just about anything that relates to studying.

Whereas with Courtney, I usually avoid mentioning about work, because she doesn't like talking about it.

I feel like I'm able to be my true self around Alexander, not that I hate being around Courtney. She's fun to hang out too and I love her lots.

The point is, hanging out with Alexander is pretty, damn, awesome.

There goes the bell.

Alexander and I decided to go to the cafeteria to have lunch today. Yay! Now that I mention lunch, I'm feeling hungry again.

'Mikasa you go ahead. I have something to ask the teacher,' Alexander said.

'I could wait for you,' I forced a smiled.

But then my stomach said otherwise.


Alex chuckled and said, 'Your stomach wouldn't like that.'

Not wasting any more time I ran out the door towards the cafeteria. Now that was embarrassing.

Luckily the line wasn't too long. If it was, I would be waiting and then my tummy would start growling again. This time it won't be in front of just Alexander but a whole lot of students. Talk about embarrassing.

I got into the line and thought of what to buy, maybe hot dog?

Holy sugar plums!

It's like four dollars and fifty cents. I didn't often go to the cafeteria; so don't judge me why I'm so surprised. I just didn't like the long lines, noisy people and obviously rip off prices.

Hmm, I wonder if Alexander has finished asking the teacher questions yet?

I tapped on the side pole used to keep the lines straight, the line was moving like it didn't move at all.

That's when I spotted Alexander. He was wondering aimlessly in the overly crowded cafeteria.

I waved at him frantically until he finally saw me. The people next to me were staring at me like I was a lunatic but I didn't care.

'Hey,' I said to Alexander when he approached.

'Hi, I think I should get in line,' he said and went for the end of the line but I caught his hand.

'Are you crazy? Look how long that thing is. Give me your money, quick,' I said to him in a quieter voice, worried someone might hear us and snitch. I know everyone has done this before, don't try to deny it.

I looked towards the lady who was supervising the cafeteria. She wasn't going to turn this way just yet, if Alexander could just quickly give me the money already. My hand was out waiting for him but he hesitated. There's no time to be the good boy now.

I turned towards the teacher she was going to see us and we're totally going to get detention if he doesn't hurry.

I'm not ready for this.

I just can't.

This would have been funny if I wasn't in this alarming situation.

So I did what came to the top of my mind.

I pulled Alexander into a hug before the lady faced us.

I was grateful for the pole that separated our bodies, although I could still feel Alexander's body stiffen.

'Put the money in my pocket and tell me what you want,' I whispered into his left ear.

Gosh that just came out wrong!

I could partly see Alexander's blushing face obviously seeing the wrong side of those words too but he obeyed. I felt him put the money in my pocket. He said that he wanted a chicken burger and soda. Soon after that we pulled apart, to my relief.

I could see the grossed out faces of the students next to me. What's the big deal? It was only a hug, nothing more, nothing less.

I rolled my eyes and waited until it was my turn.

Which ended up being pretty fast. I ended up getting myself a hot dog because that was like the cheapest thing on the list and I realised Alexander had given me a twenty-dollar note. Damn.

When I spotted Alexander I gave him his food and change.

His formal blush was still visible which made me chuckle inside. How easy it was to get him flushed.

Outside the cafeteria I spotted Darren with a girl I wasn't familiar with. She had flowing red hair, with white smooth skin and shimmering green eyes. She was the definition of the word beautiful.

I didn't envy her because of that. Ok, maybe a little.

But mostly because she was spoon-feeding, actually straw-feeding Darren a slushy. She seemed to be enjoying it.

Rage was building inside me. I really just wanted to take the slushy and slam it in that face of hers. It was tempting but I knew better than to get myself into trouble when just escaping it.

'Something catch your eye?' Alexander asked snapping me out of the scene in front of me.

'No nothing at all,' I said and I knew immediately it was a lame excuse.

'Alright then, how about you show me a bit around the school?' he asked hopefully.

That's what I like about Alexander; he doesn't force you to to say things. I just smiled and answered.

'It would be my pleasure Alexander...the great.'


Hi again!

Do you like the picture? :') I actually drew it myself.

So did you like it? I made a fan moment there didn't I? (chuckles to myself.)

Have you ever gave your friend money to buy you food? I think nearly everyone has at least once.

So I would love your feedback, so write away!

Stay tuned for my next update!


What she saw in HimTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang