Navy striped bikini

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A/N- Hello it's been a while, I know! This chapter will be based on the same story so far but a few months after the last chapter. It shows a bit of Mikasa and Alexander's relationship but mostly how she's catching on with her new friends! 

P.S I think I'll go by Seaan from now ;p

P.S.S. PM me if there are any mistakes, thanks! ;)


-Chapter 20- 

"Hold on there's some sauce on your face," Alexander stopped my hand from giving me my next bite of pizza, well his pizza since you all know I'm too cheap to buy my own.

I paused letting his hand graze over my cheek where the "so called sauce was stuck." 

"Would you two quit it with all the lovey-dovey actions," Jas sighed as she did air quotation marks.

Alexander flushed and I was no exception.

"Geez, calm the hell down Jas. I think it's extremely romantic," Susan said dreamingly. 

Have I mentioned to you that Susan was now in our expanded group of friends? I guess not. Well I guessed it's a long story...well a whole lot of events of things happened. First it was how Alexander and I unintentionally stopped the green and blue rivalry, I was caught talking with "The Susan," who I realised was actually captain of the cheerleading team and then there was the incident when I confessed to Darren that I had no longer had feelings for him BUT Alexander. Add it all up and you get onto the front page headlines of school news, which were too nosy for their own book. I came to school the next day and I swore all eyes were looking my way when I walked through what I like to call "The hall of fame." 

That's not it, unbelievable right? My popularity went from an average to a jock/cheerleaders social status in cliche romances. People were making actual attempts of talking to me, me, boring Mikasa of all people. Don't get me wrong though, I did not  enjoy the company and much rather have been my old self, invisible and ignored. 

Surprisingly not long after that Susan approached me and somehow we managed to become friends to this day. Don't even ask me how that began, I honesty don't even know. 

"Yo!" Susan shrieked stretching the o sound whilst hurting my ears.

We were literally polar opposites and yet we had a solid friendship, I guess opposites do attract.

"You might as well be calling God," Jas scoffed in with her usual manner and sometimes I couldn't tell whether she was being honest or sarcastic. 

At the same time Jasmine and I also became really close, therefore Susan was also made to befriend Jas which she probably wasn't expecting. We're known as people from different parties but managed to combine, combust and construct something unbelievable. A friendship. Technically speaking, I was the nerd, Jas the sporty one who participates in like all kinds of sports and we all know Susan is the hot and popular cheerleader.

Susan rolled her eyes in the most obvious manner which made me chuckle, "Anyway, Mikasa?"

"Yes?" I replied almost instantly.

"What'cha wearing tomorrow?" she asked curiously.

"I don't see why that's any of your business," Jas piped in.

"Neither is it yours," Susan hissed.

"Well, well..." Jas began struggling to come up with a comeback.

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