Discovered feelings

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-Chapter 18-

Today I walk to school filling myself with layers of clothes: singlet, long sleeved shirt, jumper, blazer and my thick wooly scarf. It's extremely cold today, and I'm doing my best not to return home and snuggle in my bed. After all, I have plenty of reason to come school today.

Yesterday, athletics had been a huge changeover for me. Alexander was no longer angry at me, well at least I think so...I haven't realised how excited I was to come to school today. I can't wait to talk to him and tell him how much I had missed his company. I can't wait to see his blushed face, the thought made me smile.

As I entered the school, I realised that people were talking to each other more. I guess that's what happens when you had seen a person on the green and blue team helping each other out. I didn't know the influence would be this heavy though. I always thought the rivalry was ridiculous in the first place, the peace of both colours made me feel like I had finally done something meaningful for this school.

The bell went and I speed walk to my first period. I swear I'm going to give Alexander a big bear hug when I see him. I wonder what it'd feel like to be in his arms. What the hell Mikasa? Where did these sudden thoughts come from?

I entered the classroom immediately scanning all the faces for Alexander. All I saw was a whole bunch of student's teeth clattering because of the cold weather. I did one more scan but Alexander was nowhere to be seen. I couldn't help but feel disappointed; Alexander would usually arrive early at least before me. Maybe his bus is running late?

I found a spot where there were two empty seats. One for Alexander and one for myself. I took the seat that was next to an Asian girl. I've seen her in my class but we never talked, well there wasn't any reason to. It wasn't like I was the one to come up to somebody and start a conversation. I had never thought of making new friends because I thought Courtney would be enough. Now that she's gone, I've started to consider making some new friends or at least start a conversation. I mean not that I think Alexander's not enough, but there are some things girls to girl talk would be better.

'Cold isn't it?' I said as I sat down next to her.

'Yeah, it's killing me,' she said as she rubbed her hands together for warmth.

'Tell me about it,' I replied jokingly.

Was it working? Am I, Mikasa, actually making friends?

'Wait, aren't you the green vest girl who did the 400m race, then you hurt yourself and this hot guy from blue house came along and helped you to the finish line?' she said so fast I could hardly catch anything.

I stared around the room. People are staring towards us. This girl may look little but her mouth can be heard from tem miles away.

'Quiet, people are staring this way,' I whispered and put my I index finger my lips.

'Sorry. It's you though right?' she asked in a quieter voice this time.

'If you're talking about the Alexander helping me yesterday finish the 400m then yes. God, that was embarrassing,' I said.

'So it was you!' she yelped which caused a few faces to turn our way again.

'Shhh,' I shushed her.

'Sorry. Oh, so the hot guy in blue team is Alexander,' she smirked.

'Actually it's Alex,' I said sternly. I didn't want anyone else calling him that besides me.

What she saw in HimWhere stories live. Discover now