To the very end

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-Chapter 17-

The Athletics ground

'Thanks. I think I can walk myself now,' I told Alexander thankfully.

'Are you sure? Mikasa are you doing any events?' he asked me worriedly as we got up from our seats.

I hesitated for a moment. I shouldn't tell him that I'm running 400 metres; he'll be worried. It's not like it's a big deal or anything, it's only two laps. I can manage. Although I remembered that friends are suppose to be truthful to each other, it's wrong to lie. So I replied the best way I could.

'I'll talk to you outside, it's too noisy in here!' I said loudly to emphasise the fact that it was actually loud.

'Alright,' and he managed to slip between a few people when exiting the bus, meanwhile I decided to wait till everyone was gone before I went out. Alexander should be waiting outside for me and...


It was the girl from before, the too close cleavage one. She locked her arms with Alexander as if they were one. They were walking towards the athletic ground, which was not very different from last year. If I was more focused on the place and not Alexander and the girl who clung onto him, I might have realised they had repainted the fence and much more adjustments. The past me would have felt sorry for him because it looked like she was going to pull his arm off but I only felt pissed and maybe a bit of...jealousy?

Gosh Mikasa, you really have to snap out of it, I say to myself.

When I'm in the athletics ground I immediately find the events board. I scan for the 400m run and there it is at...11:40a.m. I have a bit longer than an hour to get ready, I'm sure I'll be just fine...hopefully. It's just two laps and yes, laugh all you want. I didn't dare to choose one that's any longer because I know my limit. I'll just massage my ankle like how Alexander taught me but I knew it wouldn't be the same.

I'm starting to get really bored. I'll be honest with you, Courtney was my closest friend and without her I feel lost. I guess Alexander had been the replacement but he's probably with the too close cleavage girl. The thought makes me sick. I walk over to the leader board, blue's in first place with green right on its heels. Sigh. The last time I checked, green was leading which was just 5 minutes ago and yes I'm that bored. But who can blame me? In my school, blue and green have had a rivalry before I even came and probably even before that. Guess what? I'm in green. Yay, and I'm in the same house colour as Darren! I was shocked and ecstatic when I first heard that but now I guess it's just old news, I couldn't care less.

I walked back to my spot on the grass which was pretty distanced from everyone else because just because. Then suddenly something caught my eye, something red and shiny from the reflection of the sun. IT was sitting right next to my backpack I had left to mark my territory. I began to walk faster.

It's a coke can, with actual coke in it.

I wonder who put it here? I picked it up feeling the coolness, I bet it was just bought at the sausage sizzle place. I was going to find out because there was a yellow sticky note stuck on it. It read:

Use it as an icepack, it'll help.

I couldn't help but smile. I knew exactly who had written it and let the coke can here.


I immediately put the can of coke on my ankle and oh my gosh, it felt good. The coolness seemed to sink into my skin and freeze everything so there was less pain.

I sat there for around ten minutes before the person had been calling the events called for the 400m run. I wanted to sit for a while longer but a girl has to do what she's got to do. In my case, I have to finish the run even if I end up coming last and humiliating myself. I mean you get one point for participation so why not?

I saw other sixteen year olds like me, boys and girls competing together. I don't know why they didn't split it maybe because they wanted more people in one race, I'm guessing. When I walked into the gate where the lines are for the race it was crowded by people. Not just runners but their friends behind the fences ready to sheer them on. Like all humans I felt a sickening emotion, loneliness like getting off the plane and no ones there to pick you up.

The empire began to put us into positions and I was put somewhere up the front but that would mean my end would be the furthest, if you get what I mean. Basically everyone has to run 400m. I was also given a neon green vest representing my house colour. It's almost time, I can sense it.

I sigh.

I pray.

I breathe.

The gun goes.

I run.

Not really a run more of a jog, I needed to save my energy for the last lap. I steadied my breathing taking small breaths while long strides. This will be over quickly, I keep telling myself.

I managed to finish the first lap before my ankle began to take action. It ached a bit. I'm not quitting without a fight.

I'm slowing down; I can feel it. The last three people who were behind me managed to catch up and I feel ashamed. I'm almost there, halfway to go now.


I trip over my own feet and my ankle feels like a wound that's been split open again. I don't dare to touch or it'll hurt even more. I attempt at standing up but then I just fall down again. What are you doing? Get up already I scream to myself. In the distance I can hear people booing me, probably the blue team. The green team must feel ashamed that I'm even on their team; I can't even get up. I attempt at getting up once more and just when I was going to fall again someone caught my arm.

I traced the arm to see a very familiar face.

'Did you fall from the sky to help this poor girl out?' I asked him with a weak smile.

'No. But I could fall for you any day,' Alexander replied softly.

My left arm was around his shoulder and his right arm around my waist. I was barely able to work but with Alexander's support I was able to manage. He's not the strong and athletic type, you could tell. He was taking heavy breaths as he helped we walk the last few metres.

'I think I can manage from here,' I said softly.

He shook his head and his bangs followed.

'I don',' he said between breaths.

'I don't know wether to call you stupid or determined,' I laughed.

When we finished the so-called race, I saw people staring at us. Well literally everyone. The it started from one clap and soon everyone that was visible to me was applauding. The strangest thing was they were looking right at Alexander and I.

I looked over to him.

He shrugged with a slight blushed on his cheeks.

Too cute.

Then I realised why they were clapping.

Alexander's wearing a blue vest.

Now that's one way to end a rivalry.


So did you like this chapter?

Change of environment.

I enjoyed writing it.

So remember to stay tuned for next chapter which I'm thinking might be the LAST! But don't worry i might add extra chapters since this book is really short.



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