Chapter 19

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 "Kayde, you're scaring me," Keels nervously laughs. I pull away to see tears filling her eyes.

"What happened?" she repeats. We sit down the couch in her living room and I try to sort out how to tell her everything that's been going on.

"You know how my dad used to make me stay in on weekends for lessons?" I ask while holding a Kleenex under my eye.

"Yeah?" she replies confused by the relevancy.

"They weren't lessons. He was training me on what to do if a werewolf ever claimed me as a mate," I explain.

"How do you train for that?" she questions.

"At first it was just the basics, like the rules in his book. Scent masking and avoid eye contact. He drilled them into my head until I could recite them all word for word. Once, I learned all the rules on how to blend in and stay unnoticed, things changed. I guess him and Egan were working together on the Evan's Escape. My dad knew that my scent was different and him and Egan had an agreement that I would go to college and he wouldn't train me in the program," I pause. How do I explain something that even I don't fully understand?

"Your dad knew Egan was your mate?" Keels verifies.

"No, he didn't know it was Egan or that I would have two mates. I think he trained me like he did because he knew I would have a mate. But what he didn't know was what it's actually like having one," I sigh and rub my eyes.

"So, your upset they were working together?" Keels guesses.

"I feel lied to. I feel like my dad was so worried about werewolves brainwashing me that he brainwashed me into his way of thinking," I look behind me for a moment. I feel Egan's presence. I walk to Keelie's window and look out for moment. I shut her curtain and sit back down.

"Egan let you come here though?" she asks.

"Yeah, he dropped me off and said he would be back to check on me tomorrow. He was so mad that I was trained that he shifted," I recall.

"You saw him as a wolf," she gasps. She looking at me with amazement in her eyes.

"Yeah, I've seen him and Pierson both as wolves," I laugh.

"Jealous," she offers me a small smile.

"You're the only one I can trust right now," I honestly tell her.

"Are you going to call your parents?" she asks.

"No. They'll try to hide me away somewhere. I just want to live my life the way I chose. Without everyone thinking they know what's best for me," I reply.

"Kayde what kind of things did your dad train you for?" she almost whispers.

"Every possible scenario," I start. "I think he wanted to break me down until the thought of them repulsed me. Nothing that I have been trained for actually happened," I stand up and start pacing. Was it all a lie?

"What do you mean?" she asks.

"My dad said they don't have feelings like us. They would think of me as their property. They would do anything to keep me as a prisoner. My main mission was to escape," I piece together.

"Well technically you have," she points out.

"Have I? I mean who should I really be escaping from? Egan and Pierson? I've never been so cared for and looked after in my entire life. I have two guys who would literally take a bullet for me," I describe.

"They would and then they would heal cause they're awesome," she smiles at me.

"What would you do?" I ask her.

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