Chapter 21

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Egan and I are sitting outside on his porch swing. We are finishing the wine I brought from my apartment and watching the sunset.

"Are you cold?" he asks me for the millionth time.

"It's worth it," I shiver.

He scoots closer to me and lean my head on his shoulder. Egan is like a space heater.

"What was your training like?" he whispers.

"It was like nothing I did would ever be good enough," I whisper back while a tear threatens to fall from my eye.

"You're more than enough Kayde, you're incredible. He's just one person, and his mind is a one-way track," he tells me and then kisses the top of my head.

"I think some of my training was more of a punishment," I feel Egan tense so I look up at him.

"Why?" he stiffly asks.

"Never mind, come on let's go inside I'm cold," I tell him while standing up.

He pulls me onto his lap so I am straddling him. He then wraps the blanket around me.

"You can tell me anything. I'm having a hard time because when I imagine anyone hurting you it makes me want to shift," he explains.

"I don't want you-," I start to say but he cuts me off.

"No. You tell me anything and everything you want to. I want to help you work through this," he urges.

"I was just going to say that sometimes I felt like I was being punished for having a different scent. Once my dad knew that he changed. My training got intense and sometimes it felt like he wasn't even my dad anymore," I confess while taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry," he tells me while wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his chest.

"Thanks E," I say against his chest. "Gan," I awkwardly finish as I pull away from the hug.

"I like E," he beams at me.

I roll my eyes and get off his lap and head inside. Egan is so easy to talk to, too easy to talk to.

I grab a water bottle from the fridge and then head to the living room to lay on the couch.

"Does it have to be right now?" I hear him ask. He must be on the phone.

"What's her name?" he questions while rounding the corner. He lifts my feet up, sits down, and then places my feet in his lap.

"How long has it been?" he goes on.

"Fine, who are you with?" he questions while rubbing his thumb against the bottom of my foot. I stare up at the ceiling as I listen to him try to solve whatever problem lies on the other side of phone.

"Coming in," I hear someone yell.

"Living room," Egan calls while setting his phone on the coffee table.

"Rhett and Ledger are coming in with a runaway," he informs me. I sit up and look over the couch. A small red headed girl appears with Rhett and the man who must be Ledger. I stare at Ledger for moment but I am pulled from my thoughts from the girl who staring at me in shock.

"You're Kaydence Evans," she gasps.

"I am," I shrug.

"My family loves your dad's work," she gushes.

"I'm thinking of writing my own book," I mutter while getting off the couch.

"Really? I would totally l read it," she squeals.

"Who are you?" I ask her.

"Alivia, Rhett and Ledger helped me escape from my mate. Can you get me to Canada?" she asks while looking at Egan.

I look over to him as well and watch him nod his head.

"Thank you," she sighs in relief.

"Who is your mate?" I ask.

"Kai from Starlight," she angrily replies. The guy that wouldn't let me through the gate flashes through my mind.

"Why don't you take her downstairs and explain the route," Egan suggests.

My eyes gravitate towards Ledger. He's tall with blonde hair and grey eyes. When we lock eyes, an intense sensation to call Keelie overwhelms me.

"Nice meeting you," Alivia waves while walking away.

"You don't want me to know the route," I joke with Egan.

"No, I'd much rather hear about this book you're going to write," he mocks.

"Look for it on the New York's time best seller list," I laugh while walking back to couch to grab my phone.

I press Keelie's contact automatically.

"What title do I look for?" Egan goes on.

I dramatically put my hand up in the air and put emphasis on each word.

"The Kaydence Escape." He shoots his eyebrows up in wonder.

"Original I know," I tease.

"Hey Kayde," Keelie greets.

"How fast can you come to Egan's house?" I yawn.

"Why? What's wrong?" she asks, but I can hear her shuffling around and the sound of her car keys coming off the hook.

"Well, I'm tired and want to go to bed soon, so that's why I need you to hurry," I ramble while yawning again.

"Okay send me your location," she replies and then she hangs up. I send my location and then meet Egan's confused eyes.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"You'll see. Just don't let Ledger leave," I demand while smiling to myself. If I'm right about Ledger I really do have powers.



Much Love,


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