Chapter Two: Two Sides

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Eugene stared out the window to the grey skyline, longing for the house he'd made a home in the short time he'd known Anna. They'd have to move of course, it had almost been a year now. Things changed. People changed, he knew that more than most.

He tilted his head, as he watched a passing cloud with bored curiosity. Gene wondered how Annalise was doing, she was meant to be back soon. Within a few days, maybe weeks, he couldn't keep track. Not with everything going on right now. He drummed his hand on the windowsill, the rhythm soothing his anxiety for a moment.

Back to work.

He had taken up the position of Head of the Modesto Clan. The decision on who would take up the newly vacated mantle had been a long one, the deciding vote was between himself and Cassius. Gene had come out on top. He now had to keep tabs on all the vampires that had been, will be and are a part of the Modesto Clan.

The Clan itself had been divided by the two different ideals. His own, and Vitus' old distorted views. Those who hadn't agreed with Eugene's more peaceful rule, had defected and joined Armarous' new revolution. With a bone deep sigh, he slowly shifted towards his desk, shuffling through the stacks of papers that had been piled on top of it.

The TV that had been positioned on the far end of the room was droning on, the only silent comfort he allowed himself these days. His attention was drawn back to it, as the presenter on screen began to speak about something.

"This Monday, a woman known as Lucy Whittle, otherwise known by her youtube name GlitternGold was found murdered in her room. She was found torn apart in her living room, by a neighbour. The perpetrator is still unknown. Who could have committed such an inhumane crime"

Gene fell onto his worn down office chair limply. Running a hand through the tangles in his dirty blonde hair. It tugged painfully on his scalp. If only those newscasters knew the truth of it all. It was quite literally inhumane, because it wasn't a human who committed the crime. Most likely a werewolf under the command of Armarous.

The new revolution was closing in, and closing in fast. Annalise's father was definitely ballsy. More so than Vitus had ever been. The news was beginning to catch on, claiming that there was a 'supernatural serial killer' on the loose. Kind of insulting, but that wasn't the point.

He knew from some of his vampires that the revolution was preparing something big. A turning point. Something to put themselves out there as supernaturals and as a threat to human kind. Eugene began to fiddle with the stacks of paper, fluttering through them, only to stop at one.

Anthony. That was the name imprinted in bold, right atop of the file. Alongside an image of a narrow headed, ginger vampire. One of the most recent defects. Eugene palmed his face, irritated.

"What have I gotten into," He grumbled under his breath. The pressure to be a leader, to be responsible for so many lives and to try and stop something from happening before it could even be put in motion was too much. Gene hadn't even stopped to drink blood in the past few days, if he wasn't careful he would go feral again from the hunger.

The yearning desire to drain the very last drop of blood from a corpse.

He was derailed from his thoughts as his door slammed open. Noah and Mia pushed through, carrying the very same Vampire he'd just been viewing the profile of. They all looked fairly worse off, covered in muck, scrapes and dirt.

In the time Annalise had been gone, Eugene had struck up a deal with Noah's and Mia's respective clans. They were unionised now, the vampire, fae and werewolves against the new Revolution. If the revolution were to attack one of the clans, the others were required to help.

When, not if, the Revolution would make their next move. The final move, to reveal themselves to humanity, they would be there to stop it. It was reassuring at the very least to have someone else on his side.

With elongated claws, Noah shoved Anthony to the ground, causing the vampire to fall onto the hard wood work. The past few months had treated Noah well, he was less of the skinny pup, and more of a hardly trained werewolf. Though he was still nowhere near Eugene's level. The boy had a lot to learn.

"We found him," Mia hissed between her sharpened teeth. Magic still fluttering around her in waves, he briefly saw the image on wings behind her back, before they vanished once again. She gave the rogue vampire a good kick in the side, for good luck.

Tauntingly, Eugene stood up. Drawing back his shoulders he strode over, past his desk and right in front of the whimpering man. With careful grace, he knelt down to Anthony's level, grasping the other man's chin so tight his nails began to break the skin.

"You will tell me what you know. Or you will perish." Eugene demanded, his eyebrows drawn together tightly. The other vampire jerked violently in his grip, but it did nothing to sway him off.

"Do not make me repeat myself." Eugene's fangs began to show in his anger, he was hungry. He would take any blood at the moment, even if it was dirtied. Like this vampire, this whimpering mess in front of him.

"I don't know anything!" Anthony sobbed. Typical. They always went with the denial first, as if he couldn't see their warped intentions hidden behind their eyes. Eugene's hand that was grasping his chin, shifted to the mans neck, and he gripped tightly. Physically hauling Anthony off his feet, as they stood back up.

"Liar." Eugene simply said, hands tightening even further around his neck. "Tell me." Anthony nodded quickly, his hands scrambling this way and that, in an effort to stop the pain. Suddenly, Gene dropped him to the floor, and Anthony scrambled away from him, bumping into Mia's leg.

Dispassionately, she nudged him back forward.

"Armarous is planning to attack the Modesto Clan!" the coward blurted out, bracing his arms around himself, as if it would protect him. With his own vampiric speed, Eugene grabbed the letter opener from his desk and flung it into Anthony's neck. Mia gasped, and Noah jolted in shock. Blood sprayed from Anthony's neck and splattered across the floor, as the vampire collapsed. His breathe rattling with choked blood as he slowly stopped moving. 

"We could have used him!" Mia retorted angrily, stomping over the now dead vampire, mindful of the mess now on the wooden flooring. Eugene shook his head at her, returning back to the files on his desk. He had much to do, and little time to do it in.

"I have all I need to know," Eugene explained, his clan was scattered over the country. None of them had a collective base, like many other supernatural clans. The only ties they had were the occasional meeting and basic respect of their own rules. Armarous would find it hard to attack the Clan, not when they were so spread out as they were.

Mia tsk'd, turning on her feet quickly, and began to drag Noah out of his office. The door shut with a loud resounding bang, that echoed in his ears. Eugene stared at Anthony's corpse. He would drain him of the rest of his blood later. It would tide him over for the next few weeks, and at least then he wouldn't have to worry about going feral from starvation.

With one final look out the window, Eugene set to work. God, what would Annalise think of this of all? 

Authors Note: 

Hey all! How are you doing? I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Finally we see what Eugene's really been up too in the time Annalise has been in hell. Hope you guys are well.

Also id love to hear what you think about this book so far? Is it going well, are you enjoying it so far? 

Lots of Love, 


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