Chapter Twenty Three: Too late.

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It took only a second before the group of supernaturals to start screaming and screeching. Annalise winced against the sudden cacophony of noise. The vampire that had been standing besides the now crispy werewolf, stared at them. Frozen in time with shock. But then, as the situation began to visibly dawn on him, he started to shake.

With anger or fear, Annalise didn't know.

The vampire's body began to tense, and immediately Annalise knew what he was about to do. It was exactly the same thing Eugene did before he 'ran'. Or 'speed' or 'zoomed'. If there was a term for the word, she definitely didn't know.

Before the guy could move, Harvey's magic was upon him like a viper. Like unearthly smoke wrapping around his neck and forcing its way into his lungs through his nostrils. Choking him to death slowly, but surely. He fell to the concrete floor on his knees, clutching at his throat making gurgling noise as he tried to speak.

He teetered off to the side, and collapsed.

"WITCHES!! WITCHES!" one of the Revolution warned, pointing to them. Annalise made a face at her. She wasn't a witch, not that there was anything wrong with being one, don't get her wrong. But, she could use that to their advantage. What they didn't know, could only help them in the long run.

In the corner of her eyes, she could see Raul and Eugene skulking within the shadows, gradually moving forwards undetected still. A million different strategies and situations flooded her thoughts. She could go straight forward, fire dousing the supernaturals in one gust. She could corner them all in, surround them so no one could get in or out, just like last time.

But then how would the hostages leave? If she could carefully divide the two groups then maybe, just maybe she could make it...

The choice was taken out of her hands as she was roughly shoved backwards. It was only due to Harvey's quick thinking that she hadn't been decapitated. Harvey used his magic to throw the vampire that had tried to attack her to the floor, the machete he'd been holding clattering to the floor.

The world around her exploded with chaos. There was no time for thinking now. Her palms began to clam up as she rose both arms upwards. Her priority was the hostages. Ignoring the supernaturals, she eyed the space between the two groups. It would be hard to separate them at such a distance, but not impossible.

Crackling fire bloomed behind the Revolution group. Effectively separating them from the hostages. Whoops and cheers from the hostages were easily drowned out by the outcries of the Revolution. Her heart pounded in her throat like a drum. She'd taken the risk, and luckily, it paid off.

Some of the supernaturals nearest to the hostages tried to push their way through the black fire. To no avail. It stuck onto them, catching fire to t-shirts, and fingers. Slowly spreading, consuming their flesh like it was something sentient. Anyone who tried to put out their friends, soon found the fire latching onto them. Eventually people stopped trying. Leaving their colleagues to burn.

That was the cruel nature of her fire.

"GET THEM!! I DON'T CARE HOW! GET THEM!" the leader of the ragtag group shouted. Just for a moment, a brief half second, Annalise caught eye of a shady figure, tall, muscled and broad emerging from her fire. Unaffected. Like the flames themselves had parted for him. But that was a silly notion. That-that couldn't be real.

She didn't have any more time to think of it, as the group of supernaturals stormed her and Harvey like a stampede.



Eugene happily picked off supernaturals from the side-lines, like a hunter in hiding from his prey. A snake lying in wait for the mouse. He snapped them up, snapping necks, twisting bones and leaving marks. Until he was satisfied they weren't going to get back up again. Even though he was focused on what was in front of him, half his mind went to Annalise.

Watching, making sure no one got too close to her. It wasn't like he doubted her abilities. No, it was the complete opposite. He had seen her prowess. Hell had changed her. There was not a doubt in his mind that she could protect herself. But, he couldn't just sit back and leave her completely alone.

They had made a surprising impact on the numbers of the Revolution. Obviously they hadn't brought all of their members here. That was clear. Considering it was a four vs roughly 36, they had done pretty well. Around 10 of the supernaturals remained. They had come to a sort of stand still. Not willing to get close, for fear of Annalise's flames and Harvey's magic.

So Eugene allowed himself to be fully seen. Standing a few metres from Annalise and Harvey's epicentre. Raul still hidden in the shadows. "Look. If you guys stand down. Walk away from this, nothing else has to happen." Eugene began but was cut off.

"No. No. No you don't get to say that." The leader, a fairly small female werewolf, growled. Tossing back her sweaty curled black hair. "You're a traitor to your kind!! You let humans walk all over you!"

"You got what you wanted! Everyone knows about us now!" Eugene hissed back, an overwhelming anger taking over him, as he threw his hands up to gesture around them. "Supernaturals are public! Isn't that what you want?!"

"No! No it isn't enough! The damage they've done to us! Humans deserve their suffering!" She bellowed, brown eyes wide. Gene huffed in annoyance, there was no rationalising with them. They'd have to do it the hard way.

"Do you honestly see yourself winning this?" He countered, more exasperated than annoyed now.

He'd been so caught up, so lost in trying to minimise the amount of casualties this attack had caused that he hadn't noticed it. Over the cackling roar of the fire, it was hard to hear it. He couldn't have possibly begun to realise it. It had only taken him a few minutes for him to get distracted from his own, original goal. 

A gunshot echoed in the marketplace. Followed by a deafening scream.



Authors Note: 

Hey guys! 

I just want to say thank you so much for reading! We're almost at 10k reads on this already, and i cant begin to say how grateful i am for all of you reading. I see all of your comments, even if sometimes i can't reply. And im so thankful! 

A little update, ive tried setting up socials for my writing and currently am stuck because i lost access to the email account associated with them. Hoping to get it sorted in a couple of weeks, cause rn life is kind busy. 

But on that note, did you enjoy the chapter! I want to know, who do you think that man was? The guy who walked through the fire? And what about Annalise herself?? I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Lots of love, 

Sam.E <3 <3 

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