Chapter Twenty Nine: Seperation

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After that debacle, Eugene had been hanging between wanting to comfort Annalise and confronting his own ideas about the subject. A part of him wanted to agree with her, if only to stop the worry and hurt that lined her face. But another, darker part of himself could see where Victoria was coming from. It shouldn't have been said in that manner, no. That was unfair, and unnecessarily cruel.

But, a large percentage of their kind hadn't wanted to go public. Content with the silence and peace the shroud of privacy gave them. The other half, had tried again and again to live amongst the humans just as themselves. But look where that got them. They became legends, myths and tales told to children at night. No of it ended well. He himself had become one of those, in his very early days of changing, thanks to Vitus. He'd had accidentally killed an innocent girl,

Even though that was what Annalise had been suggesting, it was somewhat naive.

He himself was stuck somewhere between the two ideologies. The anonymity was addicting in its own way, he could sort of do what he wanted, when he wanted as he wanted. He wasn't confined to a human lifestyle of waking up, going to school or work, coming back and the ever repeating cycle of life.

But on the other hand, Eugene wanted to settle down. Years of ache in his bones had made him weary. And Annalise had, ironically, only cemented that for him. Eugene wanted the house with the picket fence, without having to hide who or what he was from his neighbours. He wanted to be the man Annalise thought he was, live with her, and finally, be a family.

But he couldn't do that, if he couldn't even be himself.

If she couldn't even be herself.

And the stuff that the news were reporting them to be, showed him that they would be far more resistant to the idea of any supernaturals than Annalise could fathom yet. It was going to be difficult. Annalise had gone back to the bedroom, and since then it had been eerily quiet. Too quiet. She hadn't said anything to them, any of them. Simply leaving, he'd tried to help her, but she'd pushed back refusing everything.

He thought, maybe she'd just needed space.

The time ticked on. And the silence was suffocating. Harvey, and Raul had gone back to what they had been doing while Cassius lurked alongside himself, both taking turns anxiously glancing towards the spare room. It would be sort of funny, had the anxiety not been a real concern.

They shared a look, and it seemed like they were both thinking on the same wavelength. Either that or they shared the same braincell. Which really wasn't saying that much considering how long he'd known the Spanish vampire.

They stood up simultaneously, and headed towards the spare room, hoovering outside the door awkwardly when they got to it. Cassius glanced at Eugene and it was decided between the two of them that Gene should go in first.

He knocked the door first, wanting to give her some kind of warning before they both barged in. But there was no response. He and Cassius shared another look, scrunching his eyebrows he knocked again. Two sharp repetitive taps.


"Anna, im coming in okay." He called out, to give her fair warning, just in case perhaps she'd fallen asleep. He turned the knob, opened the door, and stopped. On the bed, the one they'd shared, was only a note.

Annalise was gone.

Annalise POV.

Annalise, at her core, was analytical and sceptile. It was the only thing during the Seven Trials that had got her through it. Sometimes, yes, she was naive, and she always wanted to believe in the best of people. Second chances, and giving the benefit of the doubt, were inscribed into her soul like a brand.

It was just who she was. That was why she couldn't just sit and wait while people, humans, made their decision. They need to show, as a community, that they were not harmful people. That not all of them were apart of the Revolution, and most of them just wanted to live peacefully. Someone had to be the person to step up, to talk about it. To do something. Maybe it wasn't really her place to do that.

Annalise was a woman who was stuck in the inbetween. Not human. Not demon. Not supernatural. She was something other. And it was because of that, she could see both sides. A neutral party. And that's why she wanted to bridge the gap between supernatural and human.

And so, in a split second of infinite wisdom (not really), she decided to go back to hell. This was not something she could do alone. She'd hobbled back into the spare room, the minute she sat down she brung up her phone.

It was an old second hand thing, that she'd brought for herself when she returned from hell. But it would do. On it, was only a few contacts. Her two friends, Noah and Mia. Gene, of course. Cassius, Raul and Harvey as well. She hadn't managed to get Dawn or Victoria s phone number yet.

But at the very bottom of the contact list, where the old numbers of her mother and brother. Memorised from years of use, when she was just 'a human'. She stared at them for a while, before scrolling back up and sending a joint text to Noah and Mia. It wasn't helpful to dwell on the past.

'Hey, can you guys meet me up in two days, some place quiet, and unsuspecting. Im not dying!! Im okay, i just really need to talk to you. See you soon! Xx'

She pressed the send bottom, nodding to herself. Grabbing herself a piece of paper from the bottom draw of the bedside table and a pen, she began to write.

'Gene, ive not left, don't worry. I'll be back in three days! I just needed to go see my Auntie again. I didn't want to tell you guys, I know there's alot going on right now. But ill be there soon, don't worry! I wont be long. Did you know in hell they dont have phones? Weird right. Anyways see you soon <3

Love, always,

Annalise xx


Authors Note:

Hey guys sorry for the late update! Last week i was pretty ill so wasn't able to update as usual, i still feel a bit rough but i'm definitely a better than i was. So expect more updates again. A new chapter of TVATD and Royally F*cked should be out next week sometime <3 

Thanks so much for the patience and thank you for reading!!

Lots of love. 


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