Chapter Eight: Somebody Else

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Annalise's heart stuttered for a moment, as she felt the tug on her wrist pull again. Slowly she turned to face him, switching her hand over so it was on top of his, in one swift movement. Gently, she pulled his hand back, as if to say 'come with me'. She let his cold hand slip between her fingers and began to move once again.

"Fine," Annalise acquiesced with a grin, "More hands the better right? Besides, you know where it is, right? You can show us the way," . She made a gesture with her hands, pointing to the city skyline outside the front door. With a swift nod, Eugene softly brushed past her, sending tingles down her spine as their shoulders brushed.

"Follow me," Gene ordered, though it sounded more like a question. As if he was unsure of himself and how he stood with her. Twiddling her hands, Annalise followed, her two demon friends close behind. As they went down the staircase, and into the rundown street, she began to feel the awkwardness well up in her chest.

It was the itchy sort of uncomfortable, like bugs crawling underneath your skin to make themselves at home. It had been so long since she saw Eugene, every night she spent looking up at her ceiling and thinking of him led to this. And now, when it meant the most, she couldn't get the words she longed to say past her throat.

She wanted to tell him how much she'd missed him, what she'd been up to in hell, how she had proved everyone wrong. Annalise wanted to show off for him, her new powers and strength. She wanted to share everything with him.

On the complete other hand though, she thought as she trailed after Gene, she wanted to ask him so much.. Why he looked so tired now, what he'd been up too, how he became the head of the Modesto Clan. But all that came out was a stuttering introduction to her new friends.

"G-Gene, this is Bael, and Eiseth," Annalise stumbled, waving her hands to them respectively. Her friends hadn't spoken much since their introduction to earth, and she couldn't help but feel slightly to blame. They hadn't had much time to explore, staying close to her side as she focused on her own goals. It was hard not to feel guilty.

Eugene nodded ridgely in response to the demons. "Yes, well. Pleasure to meet you both," He muttered, disinterestedly. He sounded too old, and too rigid for his young appearance. Gene was just following curtsies, going through the motions rather than really caring.

"What's wrong with you, old man?" Bael blurted out, running a hand through his muddy blonde hair. Annalise's heart sank. In all fairness to Gene, his footsteps only stuttered for a moment before he went back to walking as if nothing had happened.

"Excuse me?" Gene asked, affronted. Raising an eyebrow as if to say 'do you really want to try it'. Anna closed her eyes in frustration, this couldn't be going any worse. Bael smirked, throwing a tan arm over Eiseth.

"What are you, like 400 years old or something right?" Bael gloated, not that he could really speak that much, since demons could live for centuries after a vampire had already grown old and died. She rolled her eyes at his hypocrisy.

"I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with anything. Here. At all." Gene responded, gesturing his hands widely to pronounce his point.

"Nothing, just tryin' to figure out why you got such a stick up your ass." Bael casually mused, finally realising Eiseth from his one armed hold. Gene's eyes widened at the audacity. He looked two seconds away from blowing up at the man.

"Bael!" Annalise chastised, eager to interrupt the oncoming argument. Besides her, Eiseth shrugged apathetically.

"What, he's not wrong," Eiseth chimed in, breaking her silence with a nonchalant shrug. Even then she somehow managed to make it elegant. Annalise palmed her face with a huff.

"You two are like children, I swear!" Annalise complained, shaking her head. "No one would think you two are full blooded demons." It was hard not to see the two as something like her younger siblings with the way they both acted. Even during the Seven Trials, Annalise was always the one to bring them both back down to the ground. The rational voice amongst two hyperactive kids.

"Think what you want, but we're here now." Eugene announced, pointing to the abandoned factory that stood before them. Annalise wanted the ground to swallow her up, and hide there for a good millennia till this was all over. Gene sounded pissed. And rightly so.

He moved forward, and it was only then did she notice the blood littering the ground next to the factory's entrance. She rolled her shoulders and straightened her back, she could think about her friends and Gene later, but now. Now she had to deal with Raul's rogue vampires.

She made to move into the factory, purposely avoiding the blood and holding in her breath to avoid smelling it. When Eugene stopped. He froze in the middle of the pathway, looking left and right as if he was missing something.

"What's wrong?" Annalise asked, tilting her head and stepping closer to him. barely missing a puddle of the red liquid. He didn't speak for a pause, his face draining of what little colour it had.

"There were bodies here." Eugene stated bluntly, moving into the factory with purpose. "Somebody's already been here.". The half demon quickly followed after him, and into the large empty factory. Bael and Eiseth close behind.

"Fuck!" Gene shouted to the empty, bloody void. 

"What do you mean there should be bodies here, Gene?" Annalise questioned, placing a tentative hand on his shoulder. He looked at her hand, then straight into her eyes. Piercing blue burning with rage.

"The rogue vampires have come back and collected their colleagues," Gene spat, jaw clenching. Her lips tightened as she took in the scene before her. Old boxes were scattered everywhere, clumps of clotted blood coated the floor. There was more than enough there to suggest that multiple people had died. Yet there were no dead bodies.

With a reassuring squeeze, Annalise tried to muster an encouraging smile.

"Then, let's go find them. We were here to do that, anyways."

Authors Note:  

Hey ya'll! Sorry for no update last week, i hope this early update makes up for it! Its been one hell of a hectic couple of days, hence why i couldnt post. I hope you guys are doing well! How are you liking this so far? 

As always, 

Lots of love.

Sam.E <3 

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