Chapter 3 - A Rocky Friendship in the Deep Jungle

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Ane's POV

"Hey, Donald, maybe King Mickey's down there," Goofy says as we hover by another world.

"In a backwater place like that?" Donald scoffs, "no way! Let's move on!"

"It's just a suggestion," I shrug.

"Hold on," Sora leans forward, Riku and Kairi might be down there. We found Ane in Wonderland, so, y'know, let's just check it out!"

"Forget it!" Donald demands, "we're on an important mission!"

"Just land!"


"Oh gosh!" I exclaim, clutching the seat beside Sora.

"Come on!" Sora exclaims.

"Aah, phooey!" Donald mutters.

"We're landing!" Sora decides, his hands darting out to the controls and making the entire ship rock. I clutch the seats for dear life, hearing Goofy give a noise of shock.

"Don't touch that!" Donald demands, "noo !"

The ship does a barrel roll and we suddenly spin into the world...

Sora's POV
Falling from the sky is not as fun as it sounds. I crash through the roof of some house and land awkwardly on my back, groaning in pain.

Pushing myself up, I hold a hand to the back of my head, " head..."

I hear some claws on wood, and look up just in time to see an animal leap from an upstairs balcony. I bring out my Keyblade, but someone suddenly shouts.


Ane leaps in my way, holding her Keyblade up. The jaguar kicks her back onto me, and we both crash back into the wall, smashing some floor boards.

The jaguar roars as we stand and get our Keyblades ready. How Keybaldes are going to work against an animal, I don't know, but I'm hoping it does at least something.

Even if it's just a bonk to the head

We both leap to the side as it swipes at us and we both start hitting at its rib cage.

It gives a few good swipes at us, but we somehow manage to send it flying across the room, making it land painfully on it's side.

"I-Is it...?" Ane holds a hand to her mouth.

Oh, right, she's an animal lover...I edge closer, ready to poke it with my Keyblade, when it leaps to its feet and snarls at us.

"Sora!" Ane exclaims, grasping my elbow.

It snaps at us, and I grasp Ane, falling back and holding my Keyblade up. After holding it up for so long, I look up to see a man wearing nothing but a cloth around his middle – weird – holding a spear, with brown dreadlocks for hair.

The Jaguar suddenly leaps out the window and makes Ane jumps, making my hold on her tighten.

Wait...why did it just leave like that...?

"Hey, we're okey," I tell Ane, who opens her eyes and flushes as she realises how close she is to me. To be honest, I'd be surprised if I'm not flushing too.

Once we're on our feet, the man in front of us announces, "Sabor, danger."

"Um...thank you," Ane nods, standing beside me.

"Thank you," he repeats.

"Huh?" I question, before saying, "uh, what is this place?"

"This place, this place," the man repeats, getting closer to us.

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