Chapter 7 - Separated

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Sora's POV

"Uh, a big ship is catching up to us," Goofy informs, as I slowly wake from my nap. Ane's still out.

I stretch, poking her shoulder, but she doesn't move.

"Quit gawking!" Donald quacks, "that's a pirate ship!"

"It's going to ram us!" I exclaim, shaking Ane – why won't she wake up!? "Hold on tight!"

When I wake again, Ane, Donald and Goofy are al gone. I stand, shaking my head from the small headrush. I supposed to be a prisoner here? The ship's pretty big.

I wander over to the front ((don't make me name parts of a pirate ship, because I really don't know haha)) and look back. Why do I feel so small?

"I didn't think you'd come, Sora," comes a familiar voice, and I look up to see...


"Good to see you again," he says as I gasp.

"Where are Donald and Goofy?"

"Are they that important to you?" He asks and I wince, internally kicking myself as I realise I hadn't mentioned Ane, "more important than old friends?" Ouch, Riku! "Instead of worrying about them, you should be asking..." he moves aside, "about her."

Ane! She sits against a railing, eyes closed, with another girl beside her. The girl has shakes her gently, murmuring small words, "c'mon, Ane, wake up!"

"Ane! Kairi!?"

"Sora!" Kairi smiles.

"That's right," Riku nods, "while you were off goofing around, I finally found Kairi. And Ane, here? She's asleep. Not even Kairi can wake her up."

"Ane! Wake up, c'mon!" I shout, and run forward.

However, someone brandishes a hook, and a man with black curled hair, with an elaborate, red hat and jacket, stops me, "not so fast! No shenanigans aboard my vessel, boy."

Two pirate Heartless appear beside me, holding nasty looking swords. I need to get to Ane, maybe I can wake her up!

"Riku, why are you siding with the Heartless?"

"The Heartless obey me now, Sora. Now, I have nothing to fear," he smiles.

"You're stupid!" I exclaim, and I'd like to say, damn it, I'm right! "sooner or later, they'll swallow your heart."

"Not a chance," he merely responds calmly, "my heart's too strong."


"I've picked up a few other tricks as well. Like this, for instance," he holds out his hand, and for a second, I think he's going to summon a Keyblade, but instead, a dark shadow, looking a lot like me, rises from the ground, making me gasp. It mirrors my stance, slightly floating off the ground, "you can go see your friends now," Riku turns away.

"Wait! Ane!" I yell, then give a shout as the ground opens beneath me.

"Let's get underway already," Riku demands to Captain Hook, "And keep Sora away from Ane until we're ready to land."

"And what of that other girl, Kairi?"

"Oh, her?" Riku turns back to Kairi, who glares up at Riku, "she can go home."

"Wait! Riku!" Kairi pleads, holding onto Ane, and letting Ane rest her head on Kairi's shoulder, "why are you doing this? What about Ane? Why won't she wake up!?"

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