Chapter 6 - I've Always Wanted To Be A Vampire...

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"This sure is a spooky place," Goofy comments as we land in...

I'ma call it Halloween Town.

I know, cool right?

Wait, whoa! We're all dressed like Halloween figures! I'm so sort vampire, with teeth poking out and a pumkin mask on my face, covering my right eye and I wear a black hoodie, with little wings poking out my back.

My crown keychain still hangs around my neck, but also has small white wings, and I have white gloves covering my hands.

My red baggy shorts have been replaced by black ones, tied with red ribbon at the bottom of my leg and my feet are fitted into some black shoes with a white stripe.

Donald is supposed to be some kind of mummy I think, with bandages covering his body.

Well, I say his body, but his waist is...kinda gone.

Wait, where's his waist!?

And Goofy seems to be wearing some sort of patchwork suit, with a bolt on his head.

And Ane-


She looks right back at me, but damn I can't take my eyes off her...

She wears a black strapless dress, with a dark pink rim, and and grey wings sprout from her back as well, with pale pink feathers beneath. A black rose sits in her hair, and her choker has an added skull to the base of it.

She wears leggings beneath her skirt and black shoes.


"I'll bet the people here are scary-lookin' too," Goofy says, jarring me from looking at Ane.

Sora, get it together.

"Don't worry, we look spooky too," Donald says, and Ane nods.

"If they scare us, we'll scare them right back!" She says.

"Hey! That was my line!" Donald stamps his bandaged feet, making Ane laugh.

"You think so?" Goofy asks me, as Ane and Donald continue to have some sorta mini staring contest.

"I think so. C'mon, let's go," he grasp Ane's upper arm as she continues to glare at Donald, taking my job, and tug her along.

We make it into what must be the town square, and look around. It's so dark and creepy out here. Huh..

"And now," someone announces, "allow me to introduce the master of terror, the king of nightmares – Jack Skellington!"

We watch as Heartless move aside from a fountain, arms spread out, and a tall skeleton, wearing a black and white striped suit steps out, spreading his arms wide.

The little dude who announced him, a runs forward. He wears a blazer over a white shirt, with a spider pendant under his collar, and a long, skinny top hat. He looks like he has two faces – one with a white worried face and the one he currently has, with a normal happy face.

Does he switch between em?

"Bravo, Jack! Bravo! Those ghosts will be a big hit at this year's Halloween!"

Jack steps down from the fountain, "thank you. Thank you!" he puts a thoughtful hand to his chin, "but their movement still needs work. It's not scary enough," he flops his head down and then pulls a scary face, "I was to strike bone-chilling terror! I'm going to consult the doctor!"

The little dude watches him before looking about, "then I'll go attend to the decorations!" He runs one way and then runs back the way he just came.

Strange little man.

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