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KT : ohh really ! Then why didn't u stop me ? Why not present me in the court ? You are bring so unreasonable. I will definitely sue you you and would make you lockedin the jail.

JK : Can you both cut the crap and KT come with me , its for your own safty , Innocent or not we will find it soon and as you said if you are framed then the authority is here doing their job to protect you .

KT : so staying with you is safer than staying alone is it the conclusion you are coming with ? Do i even have a choice.

JK : you dont have a word for this matter . Mr.kim try to understand the situation and cooperate us.

KT : for the nth time i am saying i am also a victim , as a Victim i have the right to voice out my points. You cant just force me into anything

JK : Mr.kim we aint forcing or doubting your innocence , just as you said if you are a victim then it is our duty to provide you with the safty you require as a free individual.

{A/N=  At JK'shome}

KT pov : His house is big for someone to live alone and its very well organised

{A/N = They both silently got in and KT followed JK as a lost puppy , Jk shown him all around the house }

JK : So KT my house is fully under CCTV control and every room has one cam attached to it.

KT pov : It would have been better if i was in the jail , i would have gotten some privacy .

KT : Ohk , thats nice.

JK : So its time for dinner and you can come done after taking a quick shower , i dont want you to sue me for starving you.

(KT laughed awkwardly)

{A/N= they both ate the dinner , the awkwardness was increasing with every passing sec until JK broke  the silence btw them and they both had a small chat with each other , then went to their own rooms}

Jk pov : He seems nice , regardless his temperature , I wonder if he is really framed , if so why would someone frame an innocent person like him...the way he smiles makes it even....wht am i even thinking i should probably get some sleep

KT pov : Why tf would someone attach cams to all the rooms without any reason....Will they find the truth , wht if they solve the case...i hope you are safe and fine.....

{A/N = It was a long night for both of them...slowly they drifted to their dream land }

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