Takeaways from Book pt.1

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Good Vibes, Good Life is a book written  by Vex Kings

These are more of set reminders that we keep forgetting in our everyday lives. This book is very relatable and draws from everyday experiences. [source: Internet, though I have read this book]

(1) The good, the bad and the ugly events are all a part of who I have become.

(2) We cannot define where greatness begins or ends. We can only strive to become better.

(3) Stop trying to impress people. Impress yourself, stretch yourself, test yourself. Be your best version. Outdoing yourself is your daily task. You are competing with your version of yesterday.

(4) Self-love is all about first accepting yourself unconditionally and then making positive changes to become even better. Same way, you can love any of your family members - accept them unconditionally, and encourage them to be even better.

(5) The vibrations we put out, are always pulling in stuff that is vibrating at a similar frequency - just like tuning into a radio station. So, if you consciously start feeling joyful, you will attract more of it. The common misconception is that you will start feeling good only once you have what you want. The truth is that you can feel good right now, and also attract more of it.

(6) Staying around positive people, when you are down, is an excellent antidote to absorb some of their positive energy, then start radiating that positive energy yourself and thus attracting more of it from the universe. It is much easier to see the good in life when you are around positive people.

(7) Smile more often. Even if you fake a smile, you can trick your brain into thinking that you are happy, and thereby releasing feel-good hormones called endorphins, which make you feel better in return.

(8) Most judgments start from hatred, which is a low vibrational state. It only leads to attracting unpleasant experiences in our life.

(9) Greatness starts with being grateful. In order to truly feel grateful towards any particular thing, imagine your life in its absence, as deep as you can think, and you will soon realize how grateful you truly have been.

(10) Meditation is easy. It is all about listening to life - breath, sounds, colors around us at this very moment.

(11) Your longest relationship in life is with your own self. If you can manage this relationship well, give it the importance it deserves, can you manage other relationships well.

(12) If someone says that they are hurt by your actions, then you must believe what they are saying rather than ignore their viewpoint just because you did not feel anything hurting in what you said. It's because you have violated their personal values. Accepting that they are hurt will change your behavior to empathy.

(13) All relationships require work. They require tremendous understanding and endless communication. In spite of all this, they can be very challenging. None of us is perfect. So, no relationship is perfect.

(14) You will know that it is your soul talking to you when you arrive at the answer without going through the reasoning process.

(15) Everyone's perspective, including our own, is limited and subjective. It is based on what we gather and process from all around us. So, be open to learning a new perspective every time you meet someone.

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