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1) FREE YOURSELF:  Be free to do whatever you want to, and what I mean is just give yourself a little break to just breathe and be able to think of the next step if possible. 

 2) ADORE YOURSELF: I know that a lot of us are struggling with a lot of insecurities right now but at least take a minute to look at yourself in the mirror and admire you. Tell yourself you are beautiful and everytime you see yourself, just be proud that you're alive and beautifully and wonderfully made.

3) DO NOT MIND HATERS: I know most of y'all would just be accepting whatever comment people give to you( I really don't know why) but you guys should please just stop, Okay? You are too good-looking to care about the bad comment people say to you or about you. There will always be somebody or someone who will always have something to say to you but the least you can do for yourself is just to not give a flying fuck cos it's when you do, you start to have certain ideas of how you want to be or look like. So just do you and only you.

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