'mon amour'

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Squad 3 lean against their rig at a small grease fire which truck dealt with when kelly spots mills not following protocol having had a bad run in with heather darden prior to the start of his shift.

"Hey! Candidate! one hand on the beam candidate!" kelly shouts, "kelly calm down" carter pleads, "I don't care if you're carrying a damn cow! men die when they relax" kelly continues, "kelly I said calm down not make the candidate feel even more uncomfortable" carter berates, "okay, Kelly, he gets it" matt interjects, "yeah, he better" kelly remarks, "you can't take your anger out on the candidate kel" carter berates as she walks over to shay kelly following behind reaching her as the three women finish their conversation he motions for gabby to leave so the three roommates can talk in private, "hey" kelly greets, "hey" shay greets back, "I need something" kelly reveals shay pulls a strong painkiller out her jump bag and hands it to kelly, "It's the last one" shay instructs, "yeah" kelly agrees, "I mean it" shay warns, "right, It's all good" kelly nods, "you'll get nothing from me for a week if you bug her for more I mean it" carter warns as the two head back to their rig having an uneventful shift.

Carter watches as kelly begs boden for an extra shift to avoid the impending barbecue when the alarm goes off.

"Smoke eater in the house!" the alarm announces as everyone gets up to greet herrmann, "they ticked a nerve in my leg, I may not walk straight again" herrmann explains, "candidate, get him a chair!" otis instructs, mills rushes to grab a chair and places it behind herrmann helping him get down into it, "thanks, kid" herrmann says, "ah, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second fellas, are any of my kids around here? my wife or her parents?" herrmann asks, "no, why?" otis questions, herrmann gets up and starts prancing around, "what the hell? I'm healed! oh, I'm healed! It must have been living with my damn in-laws that was breaking me down!" herrmann announces causing the room to break into laughter and otis to launch himself at herrmann, "ah! all right, I'm not that healed" herrmann warns as boden walks in with a young woman, "glad you're back, herrmann, we're a better house with you here" boden muses, "thanks, chief" herrmann says, "uh, later we're going to have a white board session about what happened in the Darden incident last month, I expect you all to be there" boden explains as kelly and carter look at each other pitifully, "on another note, this is Nicki Rutkowski" boden introduces, "hello!" hadley remarks, "she's going to be working with us next month, helping out with the payroll, her father is one of my oldest friends, we were in the Navy together, so y'all just treat her like she's your very own sister" boden explains, "thanks for having me" nicki says, "welcome, don't screw up the checks, the first and fifteenth" herrmann warns, "oh, I will" nicki jokes earning a chorus of laughter as the alarm goes off, "accident, multiple injuries, squad 3, truck 81, engine 51, ambulance 61" the alarm announces causing the crew to rush off to their respective vehicles.

The squad lieutenants hop out their rig following boden up the metal stairs as casey joins them their respective teams following their respective lieutenants.

"There's no fire, but let's drop the 2 1/2 into the hole from the ladder" boden instructs watching as cruz extends the aerial ladder and another truck 81 member hooks the house up, "crews, hurry it up! get that hose up here, there's good, now charge it" boden instructs as the hose is dropped from the ladder and charged, "okay, good" boden nods, matt steps forward and slides down the hose with mills then kelly and carter with the rest following suit, the crews begin moving rubble to find the victims, matt calls kelly and carter over to a hole where a worker named peter is stuck with a bad injury, "we're going in" kelly declares, "it's unstable" matt protests, "aren't we all" kelly remarks, "look Matt you know I'm not one to listen" carter climbs down ahead of kelly, kelly reaches the bottom and begins to survey the situation alongside carter, "not so bad, right?" the man questions, "It's Peter, right?" kelly questions earning a nod from the man, "can you move your foot?" kelly questions as carter tends to the wounds on peters face, "no, I haven't even felt it for half an hour" peter reveals as kelly tries to lift the large piece of concrete crushing the foot, "how about the rest of you?" kelly questions, "can't breathe too good" peter reveals as kelly begins pressing down his chest reaching a bad spot causing peter to let out a pained yelp, "okay, okay" kelly says removing his fingers, "just, just get my foot out, I'll be fine" peter instructs, "all right, we're gonna get you out of here" kelly assures, "I'll make sure he gets you out of here asap" carter assures, "do me one favour" peter asks, "uh, yeah?" kelly questions, "uh huh?" carter asks, "no lies" peter instructs, "fair enough, I think you're bleeding on the inside, your foot is the least of your problems" kelly explains, "you'll get out of here I promise" carter assures.

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