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The couple sit at the squad table watching nervously as engine 51 backs into the garage, kelly gets up and heads to talk to eric pulling carter with him.

"Hey, Whaley, any new updates on Renee?" kelly asks, "she's okay physically, they're going to keep her on a 72-hour hold, psychiatric observation" eric explains, "we're very relieved to hear she's okay" carter says kindly, "did you talk to her?" kelly asks, "she wouldn't see me, I, uh, I don't know what to do" eric explains, the couple watch him for a moment before walking away, "I think we should try to visit her, maybe she'll let eric in if we do" carter suggests causing kelly to shrug as they walk down the corridor, shay joins them, "hey, uh, listen, I need" shay begins but kelly cuts her off, "hey, have I thanked you lately for opening your trap about Renee? because she's currently in a psych ward" kelly reveals, carter stays quiet, "Kelly, she needs help, how fun do you think this is for her?" shay asks, "yeah, what did you want to talk about?" kelly asks just as shay opens her mouth to answer the alarm blares, "ambulance 61" the alarm announces, "tell you later" shay says, the couple head to the common room to wait for shay, Kelly pours the two a bowl of cornflakes each when mills speaks up, "hey, lieutenants, I was hoping to ask you guys a question, um, I was looking at the list of upcoming classes at the academy, and I'm, I'm trying to figure out which ones to take to, if possible, make a move to squad?" mills asks, "let us eat our corn flakes first" kelly instructs, "yeah, yeah, sure" mills agrees, "swing by our office later and I'll go through them with you" carter instructs with a smile as she sits down at the table, kelly places a bowl down in front of her, "eat or I'll make sure you do" kelly warns as shay walks in looking worried as boden talks to her.

"What's wrong with her?" kelly asks gabby as shay heads off to the locker room, "needle stick" gabby reveals, "aw, was he sick" mouch asks, "yellow, track marks and he didn't agree to a blood panel" gabby explains as the two head off to find shay, carter carries her cornflakes with her causing kelly to take them off her and place them on a seat as they walk by, "even if it's just hep-C, it's, you know, 80% of infections are chronic, and, um, I'd be on disability for months, and if Daniel's lawyer finds out" shay explains quietly becoming tearful, "you're getting ahead of yourself, wait for the test to come back" kelly instructs, "yeah, um the lawyer said that living with you two isn't normal enough, so I have to move out, I'm sorry" shay apologises, "you do whatever it takes to keep you, Clarice, and that baby together" kelly instructs, "yeah, thanks" shay says gratefully, "there'll always be a place for you at our place, I'm gonna miss you shay but that's nothing when it means the baby gets a good life" carter muses which causes shay to bring her into a hug.

Kelly sits in the visiting area of the psych ward with carter the two's hands intertwined as carter rubs a thumb over the back of kelly's hand comfortingly when the door buzzes causing the two to stand up.

"What, you expected a straitjacket?, why are you two here exactly?" renee asks defensively, "because your brother asked us to come" kelly explains, "poor Eric, he thinks he's finally cracked the puzzle that is Renee, all this nonsense about me sleeping with Dean" renee argues, "I'm not here to argue about that" kelly defends, "oh, right, because as my life turned to ashes, you just coasted on and forgot all about me" renee argues, "you don't know anything about my life" kelly reasons, "I know that Kelly Severide is doing just fine, we're done, take me back, open the door" renee instructs, "Renee" kelly tries to reason as they let renee back into the ward.

At the firehouse, carter leads eric to the couples shared office heading in and sitting down on the bunk as eric knocks the door to get kelly's attention.

"Hey, did you get my message?" kelly asks, "yeah, what did she say?" eric asks, "nothing that matters, she's angry" kelly explains, "at me?" eric questions, "at me, at, at, at everything, look, I'm sorry, but all this was against my better judgment, and now she's spinning out, so" kelly explains, "no, I get it, I get it, thanks, Kelly, Carter, this is, uh, it's my last shift at 51, I'm glad we all got the chance to work together" eric says, "it was great working with you over the last 3 shifts" carter says politely. The alarm blares, "truck 81, ambulance 61, battalion 25, squad 3, bomb squad assist, Wrightwood and Jesse" the alarm announces.

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