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The three lieutenants gather in bodens office giving a statement to an arson investigator.

"Back door was kicked in, It's not like whoever did it was making an attempt to hide it was arson" matt explains, "CPD said they'd back seat to my office on this one" the arson investigator says causing the three to frown, "on that union rep who was threatened by the owner of the diner?" kelly asks, "yeah, your owner, Stuart Tuxhorn, filed a complaint against a Lou Krinsky last month, we're checking it out, but with a case like this, the evidence is circumstantial at best" the investigator confirms causing the three to chuckle, "did I say something funny?" the investigator asks, "yeah, this union guy, if he's connected to city politics, you can't tell me that someone isn't already trying to get this buried" kelly explains, "he's got a point, it's like cause someone's got a connection shit gets buried" carter justifies kelly's point, "look, we're good here, just keep us posted" boden instructs as the investigator and matt leave his office, "can we talk to you a sec?" kelly asks, "yeah" boden agrees.

"My old man wants to come by the house again" kelly reveals, "kelly, I don't think that's a good idea" boden states, "whatever business you guys got, that's your business, but he said he'll be a choir boy and it's one more shift" kelly argues, "it's just one shift chief" carter joins the debate, "here's the deal, kelly, I don't know what your dad has told you and what you've told Carter" boden starts, "he hasn't told me dick" kelly defends as he takes a seat on the couch pulling carter down next to him, "it's true we know nothing" carter adds, "some guys when they retire and they come back around the job, for some reason they gotta tear it down, I'm no psychologist, but your dad, he's always been real adept at tearing things down, so that he's the only one left standing, he has a take on how Peter Mills' father died, and it is untrue, and that would hurt pete if that were thrown in his face, I will not allow your father to do it, so it would be in everybody's best interest if you were to meet your father in another house, so you can tell him, or I could tell him" boden explains. "Smoke eater in the house!" a voice announces over the pa system, "god damn it!" kelly mutters, "donut man in the house! donuts, everybody! come and get it!" benny instructs.

Kelly walks up to his father carter following behind to prevent an argument breaking out.

"Hey, what happened to going to Squad One?" kelly asks, "I didn't want to" benny explains walking away, "come on, you guys, let's get a donut, hi, Wally" benny responds as matt leads him into the common room, "chief, kelly had no idea benny was gonna turn up here" carter explains as the two pass their chief, "you know, I used to bring those to the ladies in arson all the time, one of them, Ruthie, she didn't have anything personal in her office, I mean, nothing, not a family photo, nothing, all she had behind her desk, right in the middle of her tack board was this quote, if you can't do anything about it, don't worry about it, and I am, like, man, this Ruthie is locked into some higher level stuff, right?" benny recalls, "Benny, can I talk to you real quick?" boden asks, "yeah, just a second, so anyway, Ruthie retires and I go in to say good-bye and I look at the board and the quote is still there, and I say, hey, Ruthie, you forgot your quote, and she says, that's not mine, that was here when I moved into the office, all this time I thought she was like this oracle or something, you know? anyway, I kept the quote, what the hell? couldn't hurt" benny finishes as he turns to boden, "lead the way, boss" benny instructs as the two head to the locker room where raised voices can be heard from in the common room prompting kelly and carter to head to the locker room, "whatever you two are trying not to bring attention to, guess what? you're bringing attention to it" kelly interjects, "we got this, kelly" benny says, "really?" carter asks sarcastically, "no, you don't" kelly snaps turning away from his father, "he wants to stay here one more shift, that's it" kelly argues, "can you keep your mouth shut while you're here?" kelly asks, "you'll make a lot of enemies if you can't Benny" carter warns.

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