let her go

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tw- mentions of grief, loss of a loved one, death, celebration of life and mentions of alcohol

The crew sit in the briefing room a somber mood falling across the large group.

"We were scheduled to open our bar after next shift, and in light of what happened, we were gonna push it, but me and Dawson and Otis, we talked about it, and instead, we're gonna make it a celebration of Hallie's life, all the proceeds for tonight will be donated in her name to Children's Memorial, thanks" herrmann explains as he takes his seat, boden walks up to the front of the room, "not an easy day, not for any of us, Lieutenant Casey is meeting with detectives from CPD, arson investigators are at the clinic right now, all we can do for Matt is be there the best we can" boden explains sombrely, Carter walks down the hallway when shay rushes up to her, "hey" shay makes her presence known, "hey" carter greets, "um, on the heels of all this, I was thinking that, you know, god forbid something were to happen to me or tk, that maybe me and him should have something written up legally in terms of who would take care of the baby, and I wanted to let you know that I wanna put your name down" shay explains, "absolutely" carter agrees, "and speaking of, we go in tomorrow, will you come and sit with us?" shay asks, "I'll be there bright and early" carter confirms as she jogs off to bodens office meeting kelly in there to head to the torched clinic with the two men to give matt some support,

"How you holdin' up?" kelly asks as the trio walk towards matt meeting him in the middle, "best I can" matt shrugs, "we got your back" carter says, "there's no security video, two of the cameras were fake, the other had no database, arson is saying it doesn't look like a break-in" boden explains as voight, antonio and detective julie willhite join matt, "same director of this clinic runs another over on wabash" julie explains, "let's take a look, thanks, chief" voight says.

The three lieutenants, boden and the three intelligence members enter the torched clinic

"This is the ignition point" boden explains shining his torch on the charred item, "patient prescription records" julie says as she looks closer, "actually Hallie right before we went to lunch, she was standing there looking at something, and, and she said, that's weird, I just figured it was about billing or something" matt explains as he finishes bodens radio comes to life, "main to battalion 25, truck 81, squad 3, and ambulance 61, responding" the dispatcher radios which causes the two squad lieutenants to head for the door, matt goes to follow but boden stops him, "no, no", "civilian in distress" the dispatcher adds, "your head's not in the game right now, I'll cover for you" boden instructs, "he can roll with us" julie decides, boden nods and turns to head out with his squad lieutenants, "battalion 25 en route".

The two lieutenants and boden walk up to the open manhole as a delivery man joins them.

"I swear I heard screaming down there" the delivery man explains, kelly and carter bend down and peer in as boden joins them, "help!" a female voice cries out, the three look at each other as kelly turns to face the squad members, "get your lights!" kelly instructs as carter gets up running towards the squad truck to pull her turn out pants and boots on, kelly follows suit as boden heads to the battalion car, the three climb down and walk towards the voice, "watch yourself, water's moving fast" boden instructs as the female voice keeps shouting allowing them to reach the woman quickly, "chief, down there!" kelly says shining his torch on the woman, "I don't think I can hold on much longer!" the woman says, "hang on, we're gonna get you out" carter instructs, "get your webbing out, secure it to this handle, I'll hold the line" boden instructs as kelly pulls the webbing out and ties it to the handle carter following suit, "don't let go" kelly warns as he slides in, "be careful, watch that current" boden instructs as kelly moves towards the woman, "I got you" kelly announces, "can't move!" the woman cries, "talk to us, kelly," boden instructs, "chief! both her feet are sucked into a drain" kelly rattles off, "we got one victim pinned in, I'm gonna need a rescue rope and scuba gear in the west end of the tunnel right now" boden instructs, "they better be fast cause I don't like the chances she stands right now" carter says.

"Something's cutting my leg" the woman cries, "I'm going in chief" carter makes boden aware of her split second decision as she slides in joining kelly and the women, boden heading in after her, "suction's trapping debris at her feet" kelly explains, "hold her tight chief, we gotta dive down, get her clear" carter explains as boden takes hold of the woman, the two rescue squad members take large breaths before going under the water, carter works on freeing one foot as kelly works on the other, the two surface minutes later, "got some clear, but we need more time" kelly explains, "we don't have it" boden points out.

"Lieutenant Strand!" tony shouts as he hands carters diving mask over to her, she pulls it on quickly diving down again as kelly follows, the two surface not even a minute later, "hey, hey, we got the debris clear, but the suction's keeping her down, we need to pull her up" kelly instructs, "get the webbing on now" boden orders, "under her arm, Severide, feed that under her arm" herrmann instructs, "watch the mask, you got her chief?" carter asks, "she's ready to go" herrmann announces, "easy, easy" carter warns, "grab the webbing! hang on" herrmann instructs, "ready? one, two, pull!" boden orders, the crew begin pulling the woman up, "watch her head" boden warns, "grab her legs" kelly instructs as he and carter lift the woman's legs up, "watch the tank" carter warns, "I got it, chief" mills says as he lifts the tank the chief passes up as they pull the mask off the woman allowing her to calm down before they begin carrying her out leaving the two lieutenants and the chief, "nice work" kelly praises the chief, "you too, both of you, let's get the hell out of here" boden says, carter climbs out first with kelly and boden following suit.

After showering and putting fresh uniform on, the couple join shay and tk in their shared office.

"Okay, there's what would happen if both of us died, who would take care of the baby?" shay asks, "yeah, we should figure that out" tk agrees, "Carter and Kelly or Dawson, right?" shay asks, "yeah" tk agrees again, "okay" shay confirms nodding, tk smiles at his younger sisters best friend, "what is it?" tk asks, "I'm just excited" shay explains, "me too" tk agrees, "I can't wait to be the fun cool aunt who loads them up on sugar before they go home and spoils them" carter says joining the conversation causing the other three in the office to laugh, "part of me feels horrible cause of what Casey's going through, here I am with butterflies in my stomach cause I'm getting ready to get pregnant, and" shay explains getting cut off as the alarm goes off announcing that ambo was needed.

The next day the group of four sit in the waiting room of the fertility clinic, the couple showing their support for their best friend and carters brother as shay reads a magazine aloud.

"Oh, my god" shay announces, "what?" kelly questions, "I just took this baby-proofing quiz, we live in a death trap, spiral staircase, upper floor apartment with accessible balconies" shay explains, "are you giving birth tomorrow? listen, we have time to make any fixes we need" carter assures, "we need a locked liquor cabinet" shay says, "remind us" kelly instructs, "okay" shay agrees, "Leslie Shay?" a nurse asks, "hi" shay acknowledges, "here we go" shay adds as she and tk stand up and share a hug, "will you rub my belly for good luck and Carter will you come in with me?" shay asks, "yeah sure" cater agrees, "relax" tk warns, "all right" shay agrees as she links arms with carter and heads towards the nurse, "you ready?" the nurse asks, "yeah, feeling fertile, feeling fertile" shay muses, "okay, we'll make sure of that" the nurse explains, "okay, this is my best friend uh not my uh partner in case you uh thought" shay explains, the group regather in a restaurant the next evening, "and check out those names on the sheet, see if you like any of them" shay instructs as she hands tk another sheet of paper, "yeah" tk agrees, "oh, I saw online that recording an agreement is also beneficial, that way, if there's ever a disagreement, instead of looking at a bunch of words you can see yourself talking to the present you and advising yourself to behave rationally and fairly, so what do you guys think?" shay asks as she finishes explaining, "um" tk begins, carter cuts him off, "I think Molly's is opening up tonight" carter says causing shay to laugh, "have a baby first, deal with this later?" shay asks, "sounds good" tk agrees, the group minus tk head over to molly's to enjoy the opening night and support their friends.

season one episode twenty three

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