Clay Calloway (SING2) x lioness! Reader

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-Mr Moon, while I admire your work and your ambitions, I really don't think I'm a good fit for your sci-fi musical, I say as my old friend and apprentice, Buster Moon, guides me through the Crystal hotel.
-Don't worry Y/N, your role is literally fit perfectly for you! Moon says, enthusiastic as ever.
-Mr Moon, I am sure you have worked hard on this but are you really sure? I ask as we step out of the elevator and I follow him towards his room.
-Of course! Actually, Gunter insisted on you playing this role, he says.
-Gunter? I ask surprised.
-Eyup! He says and opens the big doors and in the lobby I see all of the crew from the moon theatre.
-Y/N! They all greet me.
-Hi guys! Well this was a surprise, I say as they all come to give me a group hug.
-I did wonder where you all had gone this morning when I opened up the ticket booth, I laugh.
-We were just preparing the musical! And I'm gonna have you have an emotional scene with Clay Calloway! Gunter hints.
-Oh my! Moon, was this something you forgot to tell me? I ask smugly, knowing he had intentionally not told me because of my reaction.
-Eheheh, what can I say, my memory isn't what it used to be, Buster laughs sheepishly.
-Guys this is really sweet, but I'm just an old lioness, my musical days are behind me, I say.
-Oh but you were so great in west side story! Rosita compliments me.
-Thank you Rosita but- and when you played Elphaba in Wicked? Literal chills! Johnny interrupts me.
-Oh you guys are too sweet, I awe at them.
-Please Y/N! We need you to complete the musical, Buster says. Everyone gives me puppy eyes.
-Alright, alright, I'll do it, I say and everyone cheers.
-Ok so where's my lines? I ask.
-Yeah about that... Buster says.

Two days later:
The set is being built and rehearsal has just started. My scene was a tad bit difficult to achieve without Callaway there but miss Crawley was working her tail off to find him. Not weird, considering he's been gone for 15 years. Radio silence. Not a word.
-So Y/N, what do you think about the song choices? Buster runs up to me.
-Well, they're all a bit cheesy, I comment.
-What? What do you mean? He says confused.
-"I just called to say I love you"? Really? I ask.
-Well that's just because... you know, feelings, he excuses.
-Ok, how about "fight song"? Or "Symphony"? I mean Buster really? I ask.
-They're all amazing songs! Buster defends.
-Of course but. I don't know it just feels weird. I'm gonna confess my love for a character whose actor has been radio silent for the past 15 years? It just feels weird, I say.
-You're gonna be fine! Buster says and runs to the next act. I sigh and continue to look at the list. There is one song... (When we were young- Adele)

A week or so later;
I'm practicing the song and act as we all excitedly wait for miss Crawly to come back with Clay Calloway on her tail. To be quite honest, I think my heart is beating so hard that it will give up on me. Wouldn't surprise me, I'm not as young as I once was. Clay had honestly been quite a big comfort artist for me during my life. The thought of meeting him was honestly making me want to return todays breakfast. But as she arrives, she looks completely distraught. She has fluorescent paint all over and her glass eye has been replaced with an apple.
-Oh dear! What happened miss Crawly? I support her.
-I can't go back there mr Moon! She says and clings onto Buster.
-What? Buster asks.
-He is crazy, just crazy, pew, pew, she starts walking around and almost jumping at everything.
-Woah... you're not thinking of going back there, are you? Ash asks.
-Well I have to! Buster insists.
-Well if you're going, me and Y/N are coming with you, Ash says.
-What? Oh Ash I don't think that's a good idea, I say.
-Come on, of course you're coming! Ash says.
-No I am serious Ash, I say and Ash makes puppy eyes towards me. I sigh and shake my head.
-I'm starting to get old you guys, this kind of excitement is a lot for me, I say.
-He's a lion and you're a lioness! What else could help him more than to speak to someone like minded? Buster asks.
-Please Y/N, If there's someone that could ever get him to change his mind, it's you Y/N! Please! Ash begs.
-I.... I start and everyone looks at me.
-Alright, fine, I'll go with you, I say and Ash and Buster cheer and high five.

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