Camilo Madrigal x autistic! Reader

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I'm sitting at a cafe down at the plaza with my headphones on. The sound of clinking cups and scrambling utensils was almost completely drowned out from my surroundings, only a low hum left to be heard. I then wring my hands excitedly as my boyfriend of 5 happy years, Camilo comes and sits down with a cup of green tea and my favorite cookie. I remove one headphone from my ear to hear him better.
-Hello beautiful, he says.
-Hello back, handsome, I say. Camilo is just a few days from turning 25 and I couldn't be more happy for him.
-Got you your favorite snacks. I wanted to talk about this weekend, he says.
-Why? Is there something new that's happening? Are you changing the theme for the party? Because I just found a dress that'll fit the theme you already have and I will yell at you, I say jokingly but with a hint of seriousness in my voice.
-No it's not that mi amor, it's just that... my family is expecting a proposal, he says.
-Oh, from who? I ask and then I gasp in realization.
-Is Dolores and that guy finally getting married? I ask. Camilo laughs.
-No, no they're expected and they have a date and a party set already and all of that. They're expecting me to propose to you... on my birthday, he then breaks.
-I'm sorry, what? I ask.
-No it's your birthday. Besides we haven't really talked about getting married yet, I say.
-I know but Dolores let it escape that our parents were expecting me to propose to you, like, during the party dinner, he says.
-Wait, your parents or yours AND mine? I ask.
-Yours and mine, he answers.
-Oh jeez Louise, I say.
-Yeah, that suits about now, he says.
-So, what do we do? I ask.
-Well... he says expectantly.
-Camilo you can't seriously tell me now that you think this is a good idea, I say.
-But I want to marry you! Like if we could right now I would but you know, planning, and stuff, he says.
-Yes because I can't live without a plan, Camilo. You know this, I say.
-I know, that's why I wanted to talk to you about it. Besides it's only the proposal, we can have a wedding when we feel like it, he says.
-Yeah that's true... I ponder.
-But only if you want! I'm not proposing if it's gonna be too much, he says.
-I just don't want to ruin your birthday, I say sadly.
-Trust me, a proposal wouldn't ruin my birthday. I have a whole other list of things that could go so much worse, he says.
-Well if you insist. And also thank you for communicating that with me, you know I don't really enjoy surprises, I say.
-Yeah I know, he says.
-But just for funsies, could you... could you not tell me when you're proposing? Like the time or place? I actually want that to be a bit of a surprise, I say.
-I can make that happen, he says and smiles fondly.
-Thank you, I say and kiss his cheek.
-Now eat that cookie before I do, he jokes and I immediately scooch the plate away from him and he laughs.

That weekend:
Tonight was the night we were celebrating Camilos 25th birthday! I had spent the night already and already given him a present and sung for him, because that's what good girlfriends do. But during the day, as the family were decorating la Casita and fixing the last of the food preparations, me and Camilo had a slow day where I got to spoil him a little. During these last couple of months I have listed all of the things I thought Camilo would really enjoy and today I got to take him to all those places. His smile seemed never ending and that made my whole heart fill with love for him. My beautiful guy.

But tonight was the time for the whole family to join in on the festivities. Not only his family but also the families who are married into the Madrigal clan. And mine, even though it wasn't official yet. I had made my nails all pretty and Isabella helped me with my hair and getting dressed. Since tonight was going to be fairly loud and uncomfortable with the amount of people, I wore my smaller ear plugs to block out the worst noises and the coziest dress I have ever bought. Camilo was done in 10 minutes and had already gone down to invite everyone in. I'm standing in his room, looking into one of his many mirrors as I am putting on my nice jewelry, when I hear Isabella come in.
-Hey, are you done yet? Camilo is asking for you, she says and grins.
-Tell him I'll be right there, I say and she nods as she closes the door. I put in my earplugs and take a breath before I head out. Casita notices me moving and forms a staircase right outside his door.
-Gracias Casita, I thank her and she swings the roof tiles in glee.
-Where's Y/N, I haven't seen my beautiful woman since- I look up at the ranting Camilo and he stops in his tracks. Then he just grins.
-Wow, he says and fixes his suit. I smile and he greets me at the bottom of the stairs and grabs my arm.
-Camilo, mi corazon, it's your birthday. Why are you courting me? I ask.
-Because you're a beautiful lady, my beautiful lady at that, and you deserve nothing but the best, he says.
-Well so do you, mi novio guapo, I say and kiss his cheek.
-Camilo, happy birthday my dear boy! My father comes in and hugs Camilo tightly. My mother and younger brother following after and handing him his present.
-How does it feel to be 25? My mother asks.
-It feels... like normal, I guess, he says.
-Dinner's almost ready, so you can go take a seat in the big dining room, Camilo says and my family happily walks there to greet Camilos parents.

Realization hits me again.
-Does my father know about the whole marriage and ring thing? I ask nervously.
-Oh he knows. I even got your grandmothers ring, it was all his idea, Camilo says and laughs as he lets Casita take his present to the present table. He then hooks his arm through mine and leads me to the dining room. His Tia, Julieta, had cooked up a beautiful meal for this amazing day.

-Oh well you know, you're not the only lovebirds around, Pepa tells Mariano and nudges Camilo who's sitting beside her.
-Mama... Camilo wheezes and I grin as I take a sip of my drink.
-It's sweet Camilo, I comment and Pepa smiles proudly.
-My daughter, my most prized possession! My father starts, slurring a bit.
-Oh no, I giggle.
-You, little boy, better take care of my little girl, he says and the glass in his hand sways.
-Please get him to stop, I whisper as I try not to laugh. The fathers of the Madrigal family immediately try to get my father to sit down. He doesn't want to though, which stirs up a lot of commotion. I wince a bit at the loud sounds and start fidgeting with my fingers because even though the sight was a hilarious one, the sounds just didn't sit right with me.

-Hey let's go, Camilo grabs my hand.
-What? Why? I ask.
-I see that you're practically begging to get out. Come on, he smiles and we leave the table quietly.
Camilo walks outside with me. In the town there's cute and colorful lights hanging around the houses and people wave at us as we walk peacefully on the cobbled streets. He leads me to a park and we sit down on a bench. It's quiet, the only sound is the rippling water from the small pond and a few crickets. I sigh as I take out my earplugs.
-Thank you Camilo, this is so- I stop myself when I see him on one knee.
-Y/N, he starts and tears well up in my eyes.
-You know this was coming, he laughs and I laugh with him as I start crying.
-This is the weirdest way you could've done it in, I say.
-Nuh-Uh! I took you to a pretty park and everything! He defends.
-Ok, ok! Continue! I wave and he clears his throat.
-I love you. And you love me, not for my gift but for the actual me. You see things so fast, things that not even my family can see in me even after 25 years. So Y/N I'm asking you with the love of my whole body; will you make me the happiest man alive and-YES! I yell and he just smiles and places the ring on my finger.
-Can I kiss you? He asks and I nod excitedly. He leaps up and holds me hard as our lips crash together in a messy kiss.
-I found them! Antonio yells and we part and our families awe at us and I sigh as I start looking for my earplugs again and Camilo just holds them up for me.
-Thank you, mi amor, I say and kiss his cheek as I put the earplugs in and get congratulations from my family.

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