Neteyam (Avatar) x Metkayina na'vi! Reader

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I watch as Toruk Makto and his family arrive at the island. As curious as I am I stay at a distance since I don't want to seem too upfront. As the chief, Tonowari, walks up to him I go closer, wanting to see the others more clearly. Behind Jake Sully, Toruk Makto, was his wife and his children. Two boys and two girls. The oldest boy is my age. As I look at him I notice him and his brother stare at Tsireya, the chiefs daughter. She is very beautiful, she takes after her mother. Her brother though, A'onung, walks up to the boys with his friends and starts mocking them. I walk just a little bit closer. This catches the eye of the older brother and we lock eyes. He smiles kindly at me and I smile back. He was pretty. Suddenly the Chieftess comes through the crowd wih a scowl on her face and this makes the older brother turn his attention to her instead. The Sullys and Ronal, the chieftess, have an intense fight before Tonowari declares that they are to live with us. As he introduces his children I hear my name being mentioned also. I look towards them.
-Come cousin, Tsireya waves me over. I sheepishly walk over and stand next to her as she smiles at the newcomers.
-They will teach your kids the way of the Metkayina, Tonowari says and I nod.
-Come, we will show you where you will live, Tsireya says and we start helping them with their things.

I walk first towards the empty home at the outer edge of the village, Tsireya right behind me. But she quickly catches up to me.
-Aren't they cute? She asks and we look back at the brothers.
-Sure. Depends, I just answer.
-Oh you thought I wouldn't notice the way the older one looked at you as fast as they landed? She teases and I smile.
-I saw that, she giggles and I lightly shove her and walk the rest of the way in silence.
-Here it is, your new home, Tsireya then says as we stop at the empty cot.
-We can work with this. Right guys? Jake asks the rest of his family as they arrive and Neytiri sighs as she just drops all of the things she held. As me and Tsireya leave the things we carried and start making our way back home to our own cot, the older brother who's name I just learned was Neteyam made contact with me.

-Hey. Um I just want to say that we know that we are different but you shouldn't be afraid of us, he says.
-I am not afraid of you, I simply state.
-I am intrigued by your people and your family. I cannot wait to learn more about you, I say as I feel my heart jumping out of my chest, down in my stomach and then back up again. He looks shocked at me as I smile.
-That's-that's great, he just blurts. Before I can talk again Tsireya calls for me.
-I have to go. But we'll see each other again, I say as I walk away from the flabbergasted Neteyam and towards a giggling Tsireya.
-I saw that! That was sooo romantic, she jokes and I hush her, turning pink on my cheeks.
-Hush Tsireya, he might hear you, I say.
-Oh would that be so bad? She asks.
-Yes! Just think, what would auntie Ronal say about something like this? A halfbreed and a Metkayina? I ask.
-Oh you're such a dramatic sometimes, cousin. Don't worry, you'll meet again, she winks and I once again shove her, this time harder so that she falls into the water below.

A few weeks later, me and my cousins have started educating the Omaticaya kids the way of water, and the art of holding your breath under water. We started with some breathing exercises and Tsireya started with the younger Sully boy, Lo'ak. We all laugh as Tsireya points out his high heart rate as she touches him gently on the chest. As Neteyam closes his eyes and starts doing the same, Tsireya eyes me to help him. I sigh as I sit down next to him and place a hand on his stomach. His eyes shoot open making me grin a little.
-Try to focus, I comment and place my other hand on his chest as well. He breathes slowly but still his heartbeat is a little faster than I would prefer it to be. But I decide not to share that with the group so I do not embarrass him.
-Calm down, I whisper to him as the others talk away.
-It's a little hard, he comments and chuckles.
-Oh nonsense. Close your eyes again, I say. He does as I say.
-Now imagine the waves on the shore, slowly rocking back and forth, I say and his heartbeat calms down a bit more.
-And now breathe from here, I say and pat his stomach. This makes his heartbeat speed up again and I sigh and laugh airily. He opens his eyes and looks sheepishly down at me.
-You're as impossible as your brother, I comment, making him laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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