Clay Calloway (sing2) x lioness! reader 2

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-You've got to get yourself together, You've got stuck in a moment, And now you can't get out of it, I sing, eyes closed as I focus on the words. But I stop as Ash stops her guitar playing. I open my eyes and see Clay Calloway walk down the stairs and sit down next to me. He looks up behind me and nods at Ash, before he looks down again. I look up at Ash and she nods and starts playing again.
-Oh love, look at you now, You've got yourself stuck in a moment... And you can't get out of it, I end the song. I then just look Clay as he hangs his head. We sit in silence for a while.
-Ruby... was my everything, he says. Me and Ash just look at him.
-I don't even know if I know how to play anymore, he says and looks at me. I smile.
-Of course you do. We'll help you, I put a paw on his arm. He sighs.
-Okay. Then we've got no time left to loose if we're gonna convince that Crystal guy to let you play the show, he says. Ash cheers and I high five her.

We're on his motorcycle I sit behind Calloway, hand around his waist and Ash behind me. I let out a couple of surprised shrieks and giggles.
-It's been a while since I sat on one of these, I say sheepishly when Calloway looks my way, and amused grin on his face. Ash asks me to call Buster, which I do.
-Buster We've got him! We got Calloway! She shouts over the motorcycles loud engine as we speed through the country roads.
-He wants to talk with you! I shout and shift the phone towards Calloway.
-Your friends are even more annoying than you are! He says and I laugh as Ash pulls my hand back to her.
-Don't listen to him! We're heading to Redshore right now! She says.
-You are? Buster asks.
-Yeah! I shout back.
-Oh! This is great news! Seriously, you might have just saved my life here! Buster says.
-No problem Buster, but I want double the pay, I joke before I hang up.

-So this isn't you first time on a motorcycle? Calloway asks.
-Nope! I had one of these in my prime! Used to ride it to some of my own premiers! I say. He grunts impressed.
-Y/N, Ive never heard this story before! Ash says.
-It wasn't relevant before, I shrug and Calloway laughs.
-I bet there a bunch of stuff nobody knows, he says.
-You got that right, I say as I start to see the tall buildings of Redshore.
-We're almost there! Hit the gas! I shout excitedly, which makes Calloway laugh before he goes even faster. Ash cheers and almost looses her grip on me, but I hold onto her.

We get to the hotel and we sneak past everyone in the lobby to get up to the room. Ash leads the way and I stumble for a moment but quickly regain my balance. Calloway catches me slightly.
-Are you okay? He asks concerned.
-Yeah, but these legs aren't really what they used to be, I laugh it off.
-Let's just get to the room, I shuffle and try to push us faster. Ash gets there first and rings the doorbell. When we don't get an answer she knocks and Ash calls out for Buster. I try to push the door open and it's not even locked.
-Mr Moon? Ash asks again.
-Buster? I ask.
-Ash? Y/N? In here! I hear Buster shout from his suitcase.
-Oh dear, I just say and sit down cautiously as Ash opens the suitcase.
-I-I'm stuck! Buster says as he tries to open the suitcase.
-you've got to be kidding me... Calloway says and walks past the suitcase. Ash finally gets it open and Buster rolls out, along with some of his clothes.
-What're you doing in there? I ask and rest my legs and sit down on the couch.
-Guys, the show's off, Buster say panicked. And both As and I groan and I massage my forehead.
-Crystal got mad at me and tried to kill me! I thought you were his goons trying to finish the job! Buster says, even more upset and his mentions of "killing makes me look up concerned at him. But before I can ask there is a knock on the door.
-It's them! Buster says and hides behind the couch I'm sitting in.
-The first time I leave home in 15 years, and what do I find? Calloway says and moves towards the door.
-Calloway, I wouldn't do that if I were you, I say cautiously as he continues to move towards the door and Buster and Ash tries to stop him.
-The show's off and this guy is in a suitcase, he mutters and open the door. A calm sigh leaves my lips as I see that it's only the other guys.
-I remember you... Calloway says as he points at miss Crawly and she faints.
-Oh that was not necessary, I say and and look unamused at Calloway as he smirks mischievously. But as he looks at me with his grin I can't help but to stifle a smile. We help miss Crawly wake back up as we try to escape.

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