Bernardo (WSS) x reader

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-Ay Bernardo, I say and throw the dishes into the sink.
-It wasn't supposed to happen this way, I sigh and hang my head.
-I know mi vida, I know, he says and kisses the back of my head.
-But the Americans won't leave us be, I have to show them where we stand, Bernardo says.
-Do you? Do you really, Bernardo? I turn around to face him.
-Yes, I do, really, he insists.
-But I haven't even picked a dress! And I'm not getting married at the butchers Bernardo, I say.
-But he's so lovely, he jokes and I glare at him as he laughs.
-I'm just kidding my love, he says and kisses my forehead before he walks off to get his boxer gloves. I shake my head before I dry off the dishes and place them off to dry.
-Besides, we'll be on our way back home to Puerto Rico soon enough, he says.
-No, we will not. I refuse to live in a house that's barely standing and I'm tired of hearing bombs, I say as I grab the last of my things I need for work.
-Yes we will. Just think about it; the heat, the sand, the sound of the splashing waves... he comes out of our room and grabs me by my side.
-the kids running around laughing, he holds me close.
-Bernardo, that sounds lovely but what about our lives here? I ask. Maria comes out of her room.
-We have no life here. We are simply rugs for the white to stand on top of, he spits in disgust.
-I'm not going into that discussion with you again, I say angrily and peel away from his side.
-Buenos días hermano, María comes into the kitchen and grabs a cup.
-Buenos días María, tienes hambre? I ask.
-No, pero gracias, she says. She gives Bernardo a look before she heads outside.
-See? You scared the poor girl away from the dance yesterday, I hit his chest.
-What was I supposed to do? Just let them manipulate her? He asks.
-They we're just dancing Nardo! I say.
-Behind the bleachers, he adds.
-Yeah because they are both afraid of you pendejo! I say.
-Listen, you need to figure this fight out, because neither going back to Puerto Rico or dying is a choice, ok? You proposed and you promised me my dream wedding. You better keep your promise, I say before I hand him his lunch and an apple. He just smiles.
-I will do anything for you, mi amor, he says before we share a kiss and he shoots off to work. I look outside the window and wave at him. He sends me a kiss and a charming smile before he turns the corner.

-Ay Y/N, Maria asks and I turn around. Her eyes are glued to the floorboards.
-Maria, what's wrong? I ask and walk up to her.
-Is... is Bernardo very mad at me? She asks.
-No Maria, it's not he's mad at, I say and grab her face and make her look at me.
-He's mad at that... at that... what was his name again? I ask.
-Tony. His name is Tony, Maria says and I see the edges of her lips twitch upwards and a star twinkles in her eye. I smile fondly at her.
-Are you in love? I ask sneakily.
-What? No, I'm too young, I don't even know what love is! Maria backs away.
-Oh I think you do know! I say.
-No... no I do not, it was just a silly dance, he wasn't that cute, she insists.
-Me and Nardo started seeing each other when we were 18 Maria, you're more than mature to know, I say and start heaving in the clothes I hung out on the line yesterday.
-Oh stop it! She says.
-I'm just saying... I hint and put the clothes in the basket.
-But... just because I'm, como se dice... curious. What does love feel like? Maria turns back to me.
-We'll, I sigh.
-It tickles in your tummy, I say and lightly poke her in her waist.
-Your heart swells. And the best of it all, you can't help but to be happy around them, I say and smile as my stomach flutter as I think of Nardo.
-Y/N stop, por favor, it's so cheesy, she says and cringes a little.
-Yes but it's true, I say and start folding the clothes in the basket.
-So when are you two getting married, exactly? Maria asks.

Later that day:
-What do you mean you're going to war? I ask angrily.
-Calm down, it's no big deal, Bernardo says.
-Oh! Oh so it's no big deal Huh? You boys are going out with your knives and weapons and hurting each other, how is that supposed to help anyone? I shout at him.
-Idiota! te estás matando! I add. He stands up and tries to grab me by the waist but I slap his hands away.
-Don't think that your little tricks are going to work, I hiss angrily at him.
-Mi amor, calm down, he says hurt.
-Calm down? Have you officially lost your mind cabròn? I ask.
-You are going to get yourself killed, I hiss again.
-But I am just trying- be gets cut off by a cream and we both look towards our bedroom door. We see a glimpse of Maria and she gasps and hides as she notices that she's caught. Me and Bernardo step away from each other.
-Maria vete aquí, Nardo says and wipes his face with his hand. Maria comes in like a scolded little child.
-Are you... mad at me? She asks.
-No cariña, I say.
-Are you fighting? Is it bad? She asks.
-No Maria, we were just arguing about something, Nardo says and I nod.
-You were "arguing" pretty loudly, she says. I sigh.
-It's ok Maria, I promise. No why don't we get started on the food and we'll talk later, I say the last part to Nardo and he just looks down and puts his hands at his hips. I huff and lead Maria outside, leaving Nardo alone in our apartment.

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