Only a Memory

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Genesis knew something was wrong when her friend refused to answer her countless messages.

Cerci wouldn't even respond to any of her holo calls either, which wasn't like her in the slightest. She tried getting in touch with her friend's friends, and even a guy the woman was trying to date. They all seemed to act like she never existed...

Genesis was hoping it was all some cruel joke, and that maybe Cerci would pop up out of nowhere like nothing ever happened.

But that day never came.

The dark haired woman spent a whole week trying to find anything about her friend, only to come up with the conclusion that she never existed- according to everyone else.

She began to think it was some kind of conspiracy- some ploy to cover something that had happened at the strip club that night. Maybe Cerci saw something she shouldn't have and had to have her whole existence deleted.

The only way to get help and find proof for authorities that Cerci was an actual person was to go to the strip club again.

Genesis breathed in deeply as she stared at a digital image of Sex Machine dancing right next to her bed. It was a small figurine she had gotten a while back with Cerci, of course. The club was selling it right next to the entrance and she couldn't pass up on the opportunity.

Just go in, ask for records of who bought that dance with the hot robot on your birthday, then leave...

Genesis put on a simple dress, hoping to blend in with everyone else.

It was different going to a club by yourself than with your best friend. Everyone would be having a good time, laughing together, and she would be off to the side awkwardly gawking at everything.

With nothing but her will, she exited her apartment and headed straight back to the world of pleasure.


Genesis had to be told to wait inside by the bar while Security went to go look for the manager. She explained to the android in great detail why she was there, and that she couldn't stay long for obvious reasons- her friend was nowhere to be found and she was worried out of her mind.

The robot understood and told her it would only be a moment, but that she was registered as having her next visit free. Therefore, she was allowed to have whatever she liked on the house.

A drink sounded pretty nice at the moment. Especially with the stress that was building up the last couple of days.

Genesis waved the bartender over, pointing at a wicked bottle of red liquid sitting on a shelf.

"I'll have that one, please. And make it a double."

She was soon handed a cup of whatever had enticed her, and twirled her glass around as she looked out at everyone.

It was like nothing had happened, or rather nobody really cared that it did. Just like most places in town, despite how nice they were, things always went wrong with robots and humans. It was just a normal occurrence nowadays.

"Can I help you, miss?" A thick Italian accent resonated in her ears, and Genesis whirled around in time to see Xavier approaching her. Once he met her eyes, a flame of recognition ignited and a big smile appeared on his face.

"Birthday girl! You did end up coming back. See? Nothing to be afraid of."

"Ah...yes. In all honesty, Im here for-."

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