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Vail knew of a shop where the equipment for machines was higher quality and more advanced, though he refused to go. He claimed one day he failed to provide the shopkeeper with an adequate number of credits and had a target placed on him ever since. If he went back, he would only be killing himself.

"So yes, I do know a place where the metal is good but it's deeper down and there's freaks in every corner. They all know my face and will gut me on the spot." Vail gave a side glance at Genesis, looking her over with an almost judgmental look. "No offense, but women can't go there. They'll try to do things, and you don't seem like you lift weights or know how to fight."

Genesis felt a little offended, but she had to admit it was true. The only reason she ever mentioned the black market to A was because the parts would be cheaper, and they wouldn't have to go through an extensive wait period. She had to do this, however. Without the new upgrades, A wouldn't be able to trace who had kidnapped Cerci.

"Well, we have to go. We don't really have an option." She examined a twitching Peanut, it's slightly rusted body and chipped paint giving her the impression he had been through a lot.

A didn't have time to stay around and decide who should stay or go. He pointed towards Vail, and with a stern voice added, "Give me the coordinates and I will go myself. The two of you will stay here."

Genesis didn't think it was such a good idea. After all, in her mind she didn't think A had any chance of defending himself. Before she could get a word in, though, Vail was already giving the robot directions.

"It's down the street behind this place. You have to keep going straight but you'll know when you're there. It gets messier." The dark-haired man ran an agitated hand through his damp hair, chewing on the inside of his mouth as he added, "It's a fairly new looking shop. You can't miss it. Got bright lights and everything. Just don't tell anyone I sent you. Like really don't."

A gave a single nod, turning to walk away until he noticed Genesis's worried expression. She was rubbing the side of her temple, clearly unamused by the fact that he volunteered to go on his own. Just so she wouldn't stop him from going or cause a scene, he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and squeezed it.

"I will be back."

Genesis nodded, chills running down her body as his fingertips slid down her arm.

She watched him leave through the sliding doors and looked away as an eerie feeling suddenly took a hold of her. Something wasn't right. Hadn't been since he left the club and moved in with her.

Despite her dreams coming true, she felt like it was still a dream. None of it seemed real- like there was something hiding underneath A's kindness...something he was looking to achieve.  A hidden motive?

"Where did you find him?" Vail noticed the weary look Genesis wore and she immediately covered it with a false smile.

"It's a long story."

"Oh really?" Vail preoccupied himself with Peanut, preparing him for the new parts he would receive.

"I know a lot about machines. Been studying them since I was a little boy. Even so, your friend knows more than me on how to fix a bot. He must be really intelligent." Vail gave a side glance towards Genesis, who nodded as if wondering that herself.

"I guess so," She whispered, eyes shifting towards the exit where A had left.


The machine slid his cloak off, marching down the dark, musty streets of the underworld as he prepared to find the owner of the shop.

He had a plan to take what he needed by force. Peace wasn't an option anymore, and it didn't scare him to think someone could jump out of nowhere and attack. His senses were heightened, and it was much more powerful than yesterday or the day before that. In fact, everyday it was like his inner mechanisms were shifting away from the robot he once was at the strip club. He was upgrading, but new parts were still necessary to complete his evolution.

"What in the fuck?"

A stopped walking, turning to his right to stare at a lonely, drugged up man inches away from a dark alley. The man stumbled from the wall he was leaning on and nearly collapsed as he stepped down the sidewalk and towards the large machine. 

He looked up at the shielded face and grinned- revealing red gums and blue, stained teeth. 

"Ooooh- I know you. You're that dancing piece of metal. I've seen you before," he let out a wicked, ugly laugh, nearly choking on whatever got caught in his throat. 

A decided to make use of the individual he viewed as a pest and loomed over the man, his vision taking in everything he could find about the individual.

"I take it you have visited our premises before. Would you like me to do you a special favor?"

The malicious looking man snickered, nodding with dirty intent as he licked his bruised bottom lip. A could sense the person's level of excitement rising, and he glanced down momentarily to catch a glimpse of the addict's crotch becoming more prominent.

The robot made sure the area was clear before firmly grabbing the man and pushing him into the alley. Once he slammed him against the wall, he shoved a whole hand into the man's mouth, prohibiting him from screaming. 

Blood dripped down the machine's hand as the human writhed wildly, and the more he squirmed the more enlightened A became.

He was seeing everything now- old visions that were much clearer than before. In fact, he felt he had been transported into a whole other world.

The machine found himself in a peculiar white room- not a door or window in sight. It was like he had been boxed up, surrounded by nothing but blood and burnt bodies. When he looked at his hand, they were dripping with the fluid of man and pieces of flesh still clung to his fingertips.


That was the most prominent thing he remembered. Silence and eyes he couldn't see but knew were they- watching his every move. Testing him. Examining him. Applauding him. 

A felt a pinch of pain in his head as he was brought back to reality, letting the man drop to the floor when he realized he had broken his jaw.

The robot stepped back a bit, no longer finding any use for the being. A small amount of bloodshed was what he needed at the moment to recover just a fraction of the strange visions plaguing his memory. At another point in time, he would require more...but for now, he had other matters to attend to.   

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