Night Visitor

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Genesis sat outside her apartment complex, staring down at her feet as she mulled over what had happened that night.

Her date with A was beyond anything she had ever dreamed of. It was only a shame that it was short lived by the sudden interruption.

She was worried about Vail, who she thought seemed like a kind person. Genesis hoped he was okay, but that wasn't what was bothering her at the moment...

It was Peanut.

There was something deep, intense, and intrusive about the way his bright, white orbs bore into her own eyes. She felt like she was being examined from the inside out, and it made her worry a little.

As for A- he seemed a little wary himself. Was there something he wasn't telling her? She hadn't known him and Peanut were friends, perhaps they were doing business together...but what kind?

Genesis sighed, shaking her head as she patted down the hem of her dress. That night was so magical, she didn't want to ruin it with silly ideas. A wasn't a stripper anymore, at least she hoped he wasn't. The ideas of men and women throwing themselves on him made her grow anxious. He didn't seem to want to go back to his old life...did he? Was he secretly craving the lights and the crowd of enamored human beings?

The woman stood up from the curb of the sidewalk, rubbing her goosebump covered arms. It was starting to grow colder, and she didn't think A would be coming back anytime soon. A little disappointed, she retreated into her residence and resided in the loneliness by herself.

Along the way to the abandoned factory, the robot had told her he let Chun free. He said it was the best thing to do, since he craved freedom. Either way, she felt saddened by the departure of their pet. A seemed the most affected out of the both of them, however. He didn't confess it, but by his demeanor and words she could tell he was deeply bothered by the whole situation.

There were other things she started to notice in A. He was so different from how he was back at the club- seductive yet cold, rehearsed, and well, robotic. Nowadays, though, he carried himself differently. Almost human like.

Genesis smiled as she strolled into the kitchen, looking through her see through refrigerator to pick out something to munch on. It didn't take long for her to grab an old, packaged meal she had been saving for a few days now. One simple press of a button on the white container heat up the contents in seconds.

As the woman seated herself on her chair, ready to dive into her meal, an abrupt sudden knock stopped her midway. She stared at her front door, eyebrows raised as she wondered who it was.

The knock came again, this time a little slower and more heavier.

Genesis hopped of her seat, crossing her arms over her chest and she wondered who it was.

Could it be A? He never bothered to knock before...

"Who is it?" She decided to call out, wondering if perhaps the unknown individual had arrived at the wrong residence.

"It's me. Peanut."

Genesis was even more surprised, and she carefully reached out for the door code. Once she put in her password, the door slid open to reveal her visitor.

It was indeed Peanut, standing taller than the doorway as he hunched down to get a better look at her. He stared at the human, and she at him as the two remained silent.

"May I come in?" Peanut broke the awkwardness, and Genesis nodded, stepping aside for her unexpected guest. He casually strolled in, his metal feet hitting the floor and echoing around the apartment.

"Lovely place."

"Thank you," Genesis gave a nod of gratitude, "Can I ask why you're here? Is something going on?"

Peanut failed to respond and stationed himself in the living room. He faced the woman after examining his surroundings thoroughly, and an eerie feeling began to take over her.

The way the tall, wide robot stood in the middle of the room appeared almost menacing. She felt that something was definitely wrong.

"Where's A?" Came her timid response, hoping her fear wasn't visible in her voice. Almost immediately, however, Peanut picked it up. He outstretched his hand towards the woman, as if gesturing to her that he wouldn't cause any harm.

"He's fine. I'm not here to make you uncomfortable." Peanut still stood as still as a statue, the gentle humming of his inner motors filling the silence that was forming between them.

"Do you live by yourself?" The robot continued, his fingers tapping together as he concentrated on the woman. She uncomfortably shifted in place, unsure of what to say or where this was heading to.

"Well sort of. I mean, A comes around ever so often. Is he back? Is everything okay with your friend?"

"Vail's...fine," The robot seemed to hesitate for a split second before turning towards a window nearby.

"Actually, I'm hoping you can help us? We need assistance in something."

Genesis raised her brows, wondering what might have happened that she was needed. She nodded after a moment, grabbing a spare coat she had thrown over a chair nearby.

"I don't know how I can help but I'll try my best! Is A alright?"

Peanut snapped his fingers in satisfaction, giving a quick nod as his plan finally began to unfold, "A? Why, he's better than ever. In fact, I'm sure he'll be delighted to see you again."

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