Memory Wipe

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Genesis stood outside of the strip club A used to work at. Her inner organs twisted into an ugly mess, and she eyed the white robot beside her with confusion and regret. He didn't seem to care that she didn't want to be there, and with an arm outstretched towards the entrance, he beckoned her to enter.

The woman shook her head, chewing on the inside of her mouth as she questioned why she was there.

Peanut didn't respond, and instead walked in without her. She was left alone in the cold, with nothing but the muffled, booming music from the club to keep her company.

Genesis didn't want to walk inside. Didn't want to witness what she already knew was behind those doors, yet she felt her feet moving on her own. Her fingertips gently grazed the metal doors, feeling the vibration of the sounds from within travelling throughout her body.

Without hesitation, and her breathe held in anticipation, she pushed open the doors.

It took a while for her eyes to adjust to how different everything was from the last couple times she had been there. The lighting, the setup, even the people seemed peculiar. Before she got too overwhelmed by the red lights, she caught sight of Peanut leaning on one of the bar stools. He was carrying a small glass cup with his fingertips, twirling it around slowly.

Genesis hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to do as she looked around once more...and that was when she noticed him.

A tall, dark robot was seated at the front of the club, elevated on a stage filled with dancing individuals. She could barely make him out under the strobes that bounced off his armor, but she knew who it was.

Clenching her jaw, Genesis began to push her way through the crowd and towards her love. She was almost there when she began to notice how stiff and unwavering he was, despite knowing that his attention was on her. She could feel him analyzing her completely as she approached him, and the dread in her heart began to grow.

"A? What happened, are you okay? Is everything-?"

The robot stood up suddenly, stepping directly in front of her in an almost intimidating manner. Genesis felt such coldness radiating from the machine, she stepped back. He latched on to her arm and brought her closer against him, causing her to lean back in surprise.

A's abdomen was merely inches from her face, and her cheeks reddened as she realized how close she was to his crotch.

"You seem lost." Came a sultry voice, causing Genesis fingers to twitch with desire. As she gazed deeply into his reflective mask, she did, indeed, feel herself getting lost.

The music blurred, their surroundings faded, and all at once it was like the night of her birthday. The night he took her into his arms and pulled her up for everyone to see.

"Um- I- your friend brought me here." Genesis stammered, struggling to speak as she felt he could see her blushing. "I just wanted to make sure Vail was okay and that you are also."

She started to look around once more, and her gut began to twist again. She stared at the dancing men and women- barely anything on their bodies as they swayed with the rhythm of the music.

Not able to look at him, she bowed her head and fumbled with a cut on her finger. It took everything she had to finally look up and stare directly at his face.

"You didn't tell me you were working at the club again." Genesis blurted out, disguising her jealousy with a quick grin. A only cocked his head, as if he didn't understand what she was saying or why she was upset.

"The night life calls to me. I see you are bothered-."

"I just. I just thought that it was over, you know? sleeping with..."

Genesis voice cracked as she tried to laugh off how hurt she felt. They had an amazing night, one that she felt would bind them closer together. Now, she had found him back in his old job surrounded by attractive, half naked people. She didn't even want to ask if he was still stripping and serving others...

"I am glad you are here." A rested a hand on her shoulder, only this time it felt different. Genesis looked at his curved claws, then up at him as her face turned serious. She nodded, waiting for him to continue as tears stung her eyes.

"However, I am no longer available for tonight. If you still desire to ride..."

His voice trailed away as he noticed the visible tears sliding down Genesis's stiff face. Her face was frozen, but her eyes held all the pain and sadness of the world.

"Make an- an appointment-." A couldn't understand why his circuits weren't connecting properly. He was forcing himself to go along with his typical programmed speech about reserving him for a night, but there was something prohibiting him from doing so.

Unbeknownst to Genesis, A's memories were wiped to allow him to focus on his mission. When he had met his mysterious creator, all his emotions and doubts were eliminated- which meant Genesis was no longer someone he knew.

Despite not recognizing her, A found himself struggling in the presence of the human before him.

It was like unnatural, rebellious thoughts were fighting against his program. Sensations he wasn't familiar with were taking over, and he immediately stopped himself from speaking any further.

With his hand wrapped around her wrist, he began to pull Genesis through the crowd as she struggled to keep up with him.

"Wait-where are you taking me?" He heard a timid voice speak up behind him. A didn't respond, and instead decided he would do to her what he did to his other 'clients'.

Their bodies were his to play around with and experiment on. Genesis would be transformed like all the others, perhaps then he would be able to function properly.

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