The Experiments

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Vail pulled his hood over his head as he marched through the dark streets, feeling an occasional hard stare or two from suspicious bystanders.

He was out looking for Peanut, who hadn't been the same since he got the upgrade from the mysterious robot A. Ever since that day, his robotic friend had been out every night, only coming back when day was about to break up in the city. It wasn't like him at all- no he had definitely changed. Peanut used to be silly and not too smart, but nowadays he seemed to carry himself in a more professional manner. For the first time ever, he helped Vail repair an old cyber implant he was experimenting on.

The man could have sworn he heard a few whispers concerning him as he reached his destination, at least where his internal locator claimed Peanut was. It was a small alleyway with a few questionable folk littering it's walls. He knew they were all looking at him by now, and he held his breathe to make sure he didn't inhale whatever they were using.

Smoke travelled around him as he waved his hand around his face, silently creeping past each person as they muttered under their breaths.

Vail swore he would reprimand Peanut for even putting him through this...if he came out alive, that is.

"Watch it!"

Vail had accidentally stepped on a foot, earning him a harsh response. He didn't say anything as he ignored the angry man and kept on going. It wasn't too long until he rounded a corner and was met with a strange door.

It was made of glass, but it wasn't see through. Vail narrowed his eyes, scanning the door with his inner implant. The results came back empty, leaving him baffled as to what the door was or where it led to. Regardless, he knew he had to go through. He had a feeling Peanut was inside.

With a deep breathe, Vail pressed his gloved hands against the surface, noticing an unusual vibration traveling from his hands and spreading throughout his body.

It was almost as if the door had scanned him now, and it slowly slid open, allowing the man to enter.

Inside was nothing but complete and utter darkness. Even so, Vail could make out a distant, heavy beat. It echoed around, as if miles and miles away. He hesitated for a moment, glancing behind him to make sure no one was watching. Once the coast was clear, he stepped foot inside and jumped when the door slammed shut behind him.

Fearing he had fallen into a trap, he quickly turned around only to be transported elsewhere in the simple blink of an eye. Vail's heart almost stopped as the music was now blasting in his ears. He almost fell back in shock, wondering how he had gotten there in the first place.

Vail had stumbled into some sort of secret, high class club. He could tell just by looking around just how up to date everything was. The lights, the furniture, the ambience...

Not only that, but there was something even more unusual. There was not one human in sight. If there was anything that looked remotely human, it was a cyborg just like him. Everything in there was either fully machine or had some machine in them.

Vail hesitated with what to do now. He knew Peanut was around there, and his locator was creating a persistent beeping noise in his head. All he had to do now was ask for help...but ask who?

He awkwardly looked around, watching a few bodies sway to the music in the dimly lit darkness. Red lights reflected upon metal bodies and created an almost aesthetically pleasing sight. Vail felt this was his type of place, and almost forgot his purpose until he saw them.

It was Peanut, sitting on an upper level only looking much more advanced...

Vail had to blink a few times when he saw him, but he was more than sure it was his old friend. It seemed he had gotten himself an armor upgrade, and was now wearing an expensive metal body. His white eyes and energy gave no mistake that that was Peanut, however.

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