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"JOHNSON!" Ah shit I'm in trouble again.

Soccer practice.

I'm a soccer player, well actually I'm the captain of my high schools soccer team.

Practise is hell.

Mainly because my coach is the grumpiest piece of shit to ever exist. This man blames everything bad that happens to our team on me. When I didn't even make the fucking problem in the first place.

Just because his wife divorced him two years ago don't mean he has to be such an ass all the time. He needs to get sucked off, then he'll be a happy man again.

Coach glares at me as I make my way over to him. It's only been the first week of school and I'm already in trouble with him. He turns and leads me inside into his office where he takes a seat. I stand on the other side of his desk in silence.

"What the heck is this?!" He turns his computer screen to show me a white Audi R8 spray painted with a very decorative and artistic design.

"Oh, that would be the art project of myself, Miller and Coops" I say proudly with a smile on my face but coach doesn't seem to happy about this.

"May I ask why?"

"This car belongs to the wonderful Aiden Kingston and after the long hard think I decided to spray paint his car, in my defence in summer break he did try to slash the tires of my beloved Raptor" i explain.

"You give me a fucking headache sometimes" he grumbles.

"Aw I love you too"

"I thought this hatred thing between you and Kingston was over?" He asks.

"Never. I think one day it will turn into a enemies to lovers romance story"

"I don't have the energy for this. Get out and stay the fuck away from Aiden and his team and everything" coach tells me and I blow him a kiss before walking out and going back onto the pitch.

"What was that about?" Leo asks me

"Our little art project" i say and Leo and Easton both smile proudly.

"Did he like it?"

"Very much so"

"Good good" Easton nods, "I think we made an absolute masterpiece, and hopefully that fucker will leave us alone".

"I don't think he will" I say.

"Why not?"

"It's a never ending war" Leo says in a very dramatic British accent.

"And also because I have another idea for Aiden"

"What are you going to do?" Easton asks.

"Juts tip him over the edge. A little bit."

"Reece in your world, a little bit. Means a lot" Leo tells me.

"Okay and?"

"Your going to get yourself yourself arrested like you did last year" Easton them tells me.

"Okay and?"


"Watch and learn amateurs"

Max says as he runs a hand through his blonde hair before turning the handle of the front door.

He's about to teach me and Marcus how to get girls. I don't think I'm the one that needs the teaching. Marcus definitely does. Taking the pizza boxes from the girl I hear him start to talk but I can't hear what he's saying.

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