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I hate his face.

I hate his eyes.

I hate his hair.

I hate everything about him.

You don't, Lexi.
I don't.

I'm trying to convince myself that I hate him. Like everything. I should. I should hate him. He fucked me over.


Third time always a charm?

He looked back at me and I immediately turn away. I'm turning into him. I'm now the starer.

I'm at the club. I'm not surprised he's here, being stuck at home for days would get pretty boring.

I definitely don't miss him.
You do.
I do.

Slumping in my chair I let out a groan "what's your problem?" Devon asks and I forgot we were all at a table together.

"Um, no-nothing!"

Everyone's a little weird around me. Since my breakdown in front of Dad yesterday it's been a little weird. Mainly as everyone heard me. Definitely did not make me feel uncomfortable.

Mk decided we should go out on a lovely family outing.
At the country club.

What a surprise.

We only come here so much as it's the only place that we can go to without getting attacked by paparazzi.

I only come here because the food is good. Otherwise it's pretty boring for someone like me who can't play gold or tennis. I don't have the best hand, eye coordination.

"I'm going to go on a walk" I stand up from my chair and wonder away down the stairs that leads to the path where you can stroll around the gold course.

My bag swings in my hand as I look around the flower patches Picking up some fallen blue Hyacinth flowers, i slide them carefully into the top of my bag.

Even though I love the couloir red and practically everything I own is red. I am not a fan of red flowers. I prefer blue flowers, they're the prettiest in my opinion.

It's very peaceful around here which is why I love it. The only noises is the occasional breeze rushing through the branches of the willow trees or the songs of the birds chirps.

Leaving the flower garden I stroll on the outskirts of the gold course watching a father and son playing golf together along with some other people scattered around the further points.

I stick one of my AirPods into my ear so I can listen to my music but also listen to the birds singing in the trees.

To my left the little trickling stream runs down the rocks towards the lake, I love the noise of the water droplets running down the pebbles and rocks.

It's a perfect day today.

The golden sun beaming down on me warming my skin, the blue sky has not one single cloud in it, the trees are green, the flowers are rainbow. It's so pretty. It's like heaven.

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