819 13 8

TW- overdose


Christmas was a bummer to say the least.

I did not feel one bit jolly.

To be honest I was excited to go to Aspen, spend a few days snowboarding and making snowmen friends. But on Christmas Eve our pilot told us that it would be very unsafe for us to fly over after there were some very unexpected weather changes.

So we ended up staying at pops' and Ami's house for Christmas instead, which was okay i spent most my time in the piano room playing. It's my favourite room in their house as it's right at the end and far away from where everyone is.

It's also a very calm room with simple colours on the walls and a glass wall that overlooks the view of the ocean which is always calming to watch.

I haven't played piano in a while and I was very surprised on how quickly I was able to play so smoothly, I did make a couple mistakes but I shrugged them off quickly. Pops came in a few times whilst I played, he didn't say anything he just sat in one of the chairs peacefully listening whilst looking outside, every so often he would request a song I play but I didn't mind that.

Throughout the past few days I've also spent some time with my brother's girlfriends who I don't see very often. Me and Zarah helped Juliet pick out some baby clothes and also helped build some stuff for the nursery since Jesse and Juliet are moving into Pops' house.

Also throughout these past few days I've thought about Reece. Constantly. He won't get out of my head. His stupid face is permanently drawn in my brain, and for some reason I've wanted him to message me or call me even if it was a drunk one. Though I was the one who pushed him away I was hoping he would come back. It's exhausting trying to ignore him and move on.

My hands move swiftly from key to key in a beautiful rhythm, playing is so calming and peaceful to me, "Lexi!" Hearing the voice of my mom yell my name I jolt and accidentally slam my hands on the keys making a horrible noise I cringe to.


"Come on cariño, quick sticks, we're going" she ushers me to exit the piano room as she puts on her earrings in a hurry. Standing up from the piano I adjust my short white silk slip dress, she follows me out and towards the foyer where everyone is.

"Where are we going again?" I ask sliding on my vintage racing jacket, I stole from my dad.

"The club" Pops says.

When the cars arrive outside we all get in and I immediately put my AirPods in my ears and shuffle play one of my hundreds of playlists. Looking out the window I stare at rows of trees on the side of the roads, the leaves looking green as ever.

My nails tap on my phone case as we pull into the long driveway towards the entrance of the country club when the car stops, the door opens for me and I step out thanking the valet.

"Holy shit this place is amazing" Juliet nudges my shoulder.

"That's what I thought the first time but after a while it will wear off"


"Yep" I nod "it's actually just a place filled with old, retired rich couples. Who look at you weirdly"

Pulling my sunglasses over my eyes Juliet and Zarah follow me inside, we stroll through the inside which is pretty much empty apart from some employees and the golf men talking about their swing.

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