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"Right ladies" coach gathers us around him I see he had a serious look on his face, "it's the last game of the season, last game at last for some of you" now he begins his heart full speech.

We have heard this multiple times today, morning practise, afternoon practice and now. Plus every single day of this week.

"now. i don't want any shot today. and i fucking mean it" he's looking directly at me, "yes i'm looking at you johnson" i put my arms up in defence, "im being serious kid i don't want this game to end with you in the back of a cop car because you "accidentally" killed Aiden Kingston".

"i would never kill aiden he's my baby boy, i still believe there is an enemies to lovers romance story coming our way. i feel it in my bones"

i choke Aiden. 

with my dick-

I may have promised to Lexi that wouldn't do anything to him but I had prior commitments before I made that one.

he's gonna looks so good after I smash his face in.

That's only if I manage to get to that part.

I couldn't tell her that cause she'd get pissed off at me but she hasn't seen the messages that I have seen.

They're sort of similar to what he was sending me at the start of the year but on a whole other level.

Which I'm not fucking happy about.

In the corner of my eye I see Chase Sterling making his way over to me with a big grin on his face.

for fuck sake.

I'm just trying to relax on my bitch bench in piece.

"let's hope coach benches you cause then i'll be captain and not you" he tells me with a proud tone.

"no you won't, Leo will, and your boots are on the wrong feet" i point out looking at his inverted feet due to his own stupidity.

"do you think coach is going to miss us?" max asks whilst stretching out his legs.

"not after we wreck is office next week as our special goodbye gift" Leo smiles as he's come up with a plan that will get us killed.

"I'm going to give him a big cuddle after the game today" max grins wide.

"You do that and watch him throw you off of him" Easton mutters flicking Max with a resistance band.

The room gets louder and louder which is pissing me off more and more, "can everyone just shut the fuck up!" I shout and the room goes silent, "thank you my children" with my hoodie over my eyes it blocks out the light and gets me focused.

I feel like lighting McQueen in his RV before a race. I am speed.

Feeling the hoodie being moved, "time to go Johnson" coach is stood above me. Already?!

Standing up he wraps the captain band around my name and then I follow him out the locker room with everyone behind me.

"You're listening to me when I tell you don't mess this up, do whatever the hell you want outside of the pitch just not on it" coach puts his hand on my back and I nod my head and then he pats my back and drop his hand.

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