24. 𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓭𝓪𝔂

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"Happy Birthday Mrs Singhania"

"How did you know? "

"Well of course I will know the birthday of the woman I lo... married."

Arya was overwhelmed by the kind gesture. She never thought someone would care enough about her to do all this. And yet there he was giving her a  nonchalant shy smile.

" Thank you " she whispered her voice breaking

Rehan held her free hand lying on the table

"No thank you sorry between friends. " He said with fake seriousness.

She chuckled nodding her head.

"By the way I don't want to ruin the whole vibe by singing happy birthday to you in my awful voice so maybe it would be better if we just do the whole thing in silence. " He joked.

"But I like listening to your voice"
Saying that Arya went to on to cut the cake as if nothing happened.
But Rehan couldn't hide the blush that was forming on his cheeks.

"By the way , I hope you don't mind there being no candle. I don't really like blowing out candles on one's birthday. Why would someone want start a new year of their life by extinguishing a source of light and welcoming darkness. But this is my opinion. If you want we can light some candles or......"

She clasped her hands over his mouth.
" Thank you. No one has ever done anything like this for me. "

"Then they are the idiots because you deserve the world. "
Rehan winked

Smiling both of them fed each other a piece of cake suddenly self conscious and meek.

Rehan forwarded her his hands, "would the gorgeous lady grant me a dance ? "

"That's the least I can do for you after making my day. "

Rehan tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ears as they danced to a slow melody.

"Did I tell you how gorgeous you look tonight?"
" You did. But I won't mind hearing it one more time " She replied staring back into his deep brown orbs.

" Beauty is whatever brings you joy "
" Edna St Vincent malley "
" Impressive " he looked at her in surprise.
" What? I like poems" Arya responded rolling her eyes.

Soon enough their laughs filled the sphere around them.

The two souls lost track of time as they danced under the cloudless sky , unaware of anything but that moment. Because it was magical and that's all that mattered.


"Could you please switch off that God awful music. "

"It is not awful. "

"It's making me go back to sleep and we have a flight to catch. "

" Someone's in a good mood. " Rehan said chuckling.

"No shit Sherlock. " She groaned.

"Have you finished packing?"

"Does it look like I have?"
Arya turned and collided with Rehan who was coming towards her. As if in reflex, he caught her before she could fall.

"Aww. Mrs Singhania cant stay away from her husband's arm's that long. Can she? " He teased her only to get a glare in return.

He winked at her teasing her more.

"If you wink at me again I swear to god I'll stab you in the eye. "

𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐬 |✓|Where stories live. Discover now