Behind The Back Door

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Orochimaru grabbed his key and turned until it clicked and then opened the door

Inside the back room it smelled of rotting flesh and decay.... Mixed with a hint of Peppermint and Lavender, the wallpaper inside the room was dark black while the floor was purple with red squares... In the middle of the room was a rope ladder, Stairs, Dumbbells, a large rockwall, a pit full of poisonous snakes... A swimming pool and a path of rocks leading across a pond to the other side of the room filled with trap doors, moving spikes and many mysterious switches lined up along the walls on the other side of the room leading out to a door that goes to who knows where.

Orochimaru took me by the hand and lend me inside the dark room over to a chair, afterwards he continued walking until he reached one of the switches and switched it on... the whole room began to light up and my face stared at the horror of the inside of the room, dead bodies lied over the pit full of snakes and the walls were lined in blood with the words "Beware What lies below the pit of Snakes and the room of Horrors."  I continued to look around the room and saw the rope ladder on the ceiling above the pit and the stairs leading to the other side where dumbbells, a large rock wall and a swimming pool filled with moving spikes that lead to the other side of the room.

Next thing I know, Orochimaru comes over to me and asks me.... "Kaylene will you show me your strength and your abilities by completing this obstacle course my dear?" 

[Myself speaking} Please if you do not mind, I rather not, Lord Orochimaru.

My dear if that's the case then I will have no choice... "Kabuto!!" 

{Kabuto} Yes, Lord Orochimaru....

{Orochimaru} Take Kaylene back to her cell until she can learn to listen to me and also very little food and water for three days.

[Myself} No you can't do that!!!! Let me go!!!! You freak!!! (Grrrrrrr!!!!!), all of a sudden my appearance had changed from human to beast in an instant, going straight for Kabuto's throat... I started to rip his vocal cords from the inside out but before I could continue... Orochimaru had gotten a syringe from another room and injected it into my neck.

In just a few seconds... my body had started to go limp and fall towards the ground but before I could, Orochimaru had caught me and instead of taking me back to the cells, he had taken me to another room and chained me to the bed while he had Kabuto cover my body with a blanket.

I was left in that backroom chained to a bed with a blanket for 3 days.

I didn't know how long it had been but I was hungry and thirsty.

I craved food and water like the plague.

To be continued

Naruto- The New Girl With Mysterious Animal LikenessWhere stories live. Discover now