Part 1

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Outside in the crisp flowing morning someone is running towards The Hidden Leaf Village. Through the trees our mysterious person Is on his\her way.

In the Leaf Village people are outside going to and from their houses to their next destination. The Streets are almost completely crowded. Full of mindful abscurities.

Naruto runs through the village yelling his head off talking big to about everyone in the village. Coincidently Someone Mysterious Approaches With Animalistic Marks and Traits unintentionally scaring most of the villagers to death.

Appearing behind the leader of Squad 7- Kakashi doesn't know that there is someone attached to his dark shadow. Well he still doesn't know who it is. 

  Even Until it's to late, even then he doesn't know who it is, but he has a feeling that someone was probably behind him.

Nearly moments behind, Kakashi is shocked that someone could sneak up on him.

Little did Kakashi know that this person who snuck up behind him is a way more powerful ninja then any other average shinobis or ninjas.

It's a mystery that surrounds this ninja. This Shinobi's Background and their whole history is hidden away in a secret place under lock and key.

Kakashi looked to his left then to his right. Hm❓ I thought someone was right behind me. Well it must have just been my imagination.

To Be Continued.....

Naruto- The New Girl With Mysterious Animal LikenessWhere stories live. Discover now