Part 4

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Orochimaru finds out the Animal Nin's History.

One evening in mid December. Orochimaru walks into the Lab to have a conversation with Kabuto.

Kabuto what news have you found out about little Kaylene?

Oh, there is something that I think you'll find interesting.

How interesting is this info?, that you've found.

Very interesting.

HM? May I see what you've found?

Why of course.

Oh?! This is interesting.

What do you think of this Kabuto?

It's all very interesting. My Lord.

I'm glad that you said that Kabuto. Now,

How about you read it all to me Kabuto.

Yes, Lord Orochimaru.

In the beginning, there was a girl not just an ordinary girl.

This girl had special skills.

She could do everything and didn't even make any mistakes.

She was perfect, she always had her beautiful dirty blond hair down most of it was covering her left eye.

Her left eye was something that was very dangerous.

The left eye she had could destroy anything with a powerful mighty blast of unimaginable power and it could never be stopped so to contain it's power the young girl hid it with some of her beautiful long dirty blond hair.

Unlike others she didn't really know if she had a family or if one even existed for her.

  Most of her life she was alone and always would be studying very very hard on everything about ninjas' and Shinobi's as well as everything-else.

This was little Kaylene she is this girl, she lived in the Hidden Wave Village ever since she met Zabuza and Haku in the Hidden Wave Village where they became fast friends,

but Kaylene told them she needed a home or a place to call home.

And, one full-moon 🌑 lit night Zabuza and Haku heard her talking in her sleep of how she would love to live in the Hidden Rain Village.

And then they decided the next morning that's where they would go, Kaylene was so glad she gave them both hugs and kissed them on the cheek,

 but before she went inside the village gates she gave them both two special watches and two special phones and each of them had a special watch and a special phone that came with special instructions.

Then she finally waved them goodbye and they wished her luck. But, that was so long ago and Kaylene wishes to see them both again.

Kaylene's left eye is called The Eye Of Magical Animals' it's power is unknown and how it works as well as other info besides only a little bit of it. The Rest is Unknown.

Still Kaylene's whole past isn't totally all discovered. And it is way to hard to even discover it at all.

So what do you think Orochimaru.

That is wonderful Kabuto, thank you I shall definitely make a copy of all this.

Until then, goodbye. I shall be leaving now.

Yes, my lord.

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