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As the light switched back on Sundrop came back out to play with the children. He notices however that little Y/N was sitting in the naptime corner on Moondrop's pillow ," Wow there little star dont you wanna play with the other kids?"

Y/N just shook their head and went to drawing on a little clipboard and paper, curious I wanted to know what they were drawing and looked over their shoulder only to see an adorable picture of them on Moon's shoulders

Y/N just shook their head and went to drawing on a little clipboard and paper, curious I wanted to know what they were drawing and looked over their shoulder only to see an adorable picture of them on Moon's shoulders

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It was adorable to say the least. But Y/N noticed Sun was watching and covered it up ,"You cant tell pap- I mean Mx.Moon." they said with embarrassment that they almost called Moondrop papa



once that happened a human attendant came to watch the kids so sun and moon could cool down. Though the attendant didn't like the fact Y/N wouldn't come out of the nap time corner.

"Hey kid! Naptime is over get out the corner!" Shaking their head and curling up in the blankets and pillows that moon sits on ,"I SAID NAPTIME IS OVER! NOW GET OVER HERE!" funny little tid bit I didn't mention, the human attendant hates kids and only got the job because of daddy's money. The human attendant reached for the bundle of blankets and grabbed Y/N's wrist this caused them to try and pull away from the attendant.

In return with the grabbing the attendant was met with a shriek that could be heard from Gator Golf and Roxy's Raceway, with that Sun and Moon ,who were previously cooling down in the dumpster fire they call their room, perked up from the shriek thinking a kid might be hurt. So they peeked out from the balcony which over looked all the daycare and searched for what might've caused the loud noise.

Once they saw what was happening they just sat there shocked and furious. It made Moon's gears grind in a very audible sound from the back of their shared body, while Sun sat there wondering what to do while simultaneously blocking out Moon's rather violent suggestions. In a matter of seconds they jumped down both sides incontrol and having none at all the same time, it scared them both. Once they got down there it got pretty tense.

"Let them go." Was all that was said to the sad excuse for a childcare worker ," Yeah, No what are you gonna do about it? You look like you wouldn't hurt a fly","Oh how right you are you naive little human~. Because a fly didn't knowingly do anything wrong" they leaned down to ear level and started them straight in the eye while their previous confidence had faded to fear. "You however.","I WOULD MAIM" they stood back up at full height and looked down at them judging the workers every move ,"Now I would advise you let go of the child or I will be forced to use drastic measures.","Drastic measures?","My sensors see you as a threat to property and customers. Please vacate the premises." The ex employee left without another word

They returned their attention to Y/N.
This would take alot of Moon hugs to fix

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