Chapter6-Daddrop Struggles

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I was stuck and the rabbit lady was just sitting there like she couldn't see me. I'm just lucky I guess. But anyways I'm sitting here with Moon on the necklace phone ,"Starbright, I need you to stay there. I'm coming to get you. Wait- Isn't that Fazbear with the rulerbraker!" "I can't leave Pa, I'm stuck." He let out a small 'oh' at my response since he knew I probably would've left the first chance I got when the rabbit bit- lady was rapidly approaching. Suddenly I saw Moon sprinting at me with Freddy charging behind. In a flash I was pulled up and into Moon's chest cavity and we sprung up into the air suspended by Moon's wire,"FAZBEAR LEAVE ME ALONE!" "I'm afraid I cannot do that because it appears that you have heat signatures coming from your chest cavity. ",''THAT'S SO CREEPY FAZBEAR!!" I could kinda see what Freddy looked like and he seemed fed up with Moon already. "Explain to me why you have the rulerbraker with you! He turned off the lights and almost gave starbright a permanent ban!","Moon who is starbright?"Moon quickly flew higher and slinked away since Freddy couldn't see all that well with the neon lights down there. 

Soon enough we made it somehow to monty golf, which I had no idea why we were here until, "Moon!" A rough gravelly voice sounded from further inside the attraction, "oh god dammit…" "So nice to see ya again buddy, quick question: 'ave you seen like one , maybe two, kids runnin' 'round here? Vanessa can't find them. Also I feel something weird in my chip compartment. Can you check that? I know you're all technical and stuff.","sure monty. What the hell? Monty… did you put a random chip in your compartment!","What!? No! 'Course not! You're always yellin' at me not to do that so I don't!" Moon ripped out a chip and threw it to the ground. "That chip could have been dangerous! Why didn't you tell the people in parts and service you stupid  fucking gator!"," I would've been fine!" Monty ends with a stomp on the chip successfully breaking it." I can take care of myself, Moon." Monty walls off and I think Moon forgot I was here, "Stupid Gator. Too stubborn to realize I care about him. He's gonna get himself hurt and it's gonna be his own fault!"," What do you mean by that pops?","Starbright! I forgot you were here…" he took me out of his chest cavity scanning me over for any injuries during the bumpy ride that was Moon crawling on the ceiling and walls to get away from freddy. Pa put me down and held my hand tightly while we walked around Gator golf. I was in awe and Moon was trying to get to a charging station and a place for me to hide. He was super paranoid about me getting taken by Freddy or a security guard. Soon enough we found a charging station and an empty bin for me to sit in while he charges,which took almost a fucking hour, he charged while I tried to get to sleep and I did sleeping soundly in a metal bin near my Daddrop.

That was until I woke up in freddy's green room. It seemed that Moon was fully charged because when I answered my necklace he seemed very panicked and energized. "Sweet star, are you ok! DID THE SECURITY GUARD TAKE YOU! DID FREDDY TAKE YOU!" he sounded pissed, and I feel sorry for Freddy. Kinda. I mean he did kidnap me soooo." I'm in freddy's green room dad come get me because I feel like he's gonna tell me arson is bad and sharp sticks aren't for stabbing people.","I'm on my way sweet star, and if he tries to feed you those lies bring up what happened to Bonnie, stupid bear thinking he can take my kid. Let's see how good of a father he is when he's sobbing like a baby!" Moon's going for the throat,damn, "That's my dad!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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