Chapter One

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Chapter One; Already Married

Joe was in disbelief as the court clerk informed him that he was already married.

"Sir, technically you already got married in Fiji," The clerk of the circuit court tells him as she prints out his marriage certificate and hands it to him.

"Laniyah," Joe reads the name out loud.

Galina looks at him.

"When did you and Laniyah go to Fiji?" Galina asked him, shocked.

"Her parents paid for us as a high school graduation gift; the twins and Takecia went too," Joe explained.

"So, you had no idea that you legally got married?" Galina asked him.

Joe has a whole minute monologue talking about how he didn't know it went throw but it did.

The clerk of the circuit court stares in disbelief and also amusement as Joe tells Galina that they were all drunk when Laniyah and him got married at a beach chapel by a random man who Joe didn't believe was a real priest since he wasn't dressed like one. He didn't even remember signing the marriage certificate.

"Umm...well that priest sent your marriage certificate to the states so you can't marry this young woman until you get a divorce," The clerk of the circuit court interrupted Joe.

Galina huffed and walked away. Joe looked at the clerk of the circuit court and sighed.

"You wouldn't happen to have a phone number on her?" Joe asked the older woman.

"You are on your own, young man," She said.

Joe walks out of the county government office and pulls out his phone to call Joshua. Joe knew that Takecia was once close to Laniyah so maybe she could help him find her.

Galina walks past him.

"Galina, wait," Joe called out.

She glared at him.

"I'll never forgive you," She said.

Joe rubbed his face in frustration.

"I'll get a divorce then we'll get married like we planned," Joe said.

Galina scoffed.

Joshua answered the phone.

"What's up, uce?" Joshua answered.

"Is Takecia around?" Joe asked Joshua.

"Why?" Joshua replied.

"I need to know if she's still in contact with Laniyah?" Joe said.

Joshua chuckled.

"Of course, she's still in contact with Laniyah; she's literally our kids' Godmother, Joe, I thought you knew that," Joshua told Joe.

"Wait, what? For real? I thought we all lost contact with Laniyah," Joe said.

"No, you lost contact with her," Joshua corrected him.

"Wow," Joe said.

After, Laniyah and Joe broke up. They didn't speak even when they passed each other on campus so Joe assumed that she also stopped talking to everyone else since no one ever brought her up around him.

"Laniyah and us never stopped communicating; in fact we still have dinner together every other Saturday like we used to do when we were in high school. You're the only out of the loop, Joe, but why are you asking about Laniyah?" Joshua asked.

"Because according to the Figi and United State's government, she's my wife," Joe answered.

"Oh shit," Joshua said.

"What the fuck!" Someone shouted in the background.

"Who was that?" Joe asked, curiously.

Joshua laughed.

"Your wife. Sorry, I had you on speaker when she and Takecia walked in," Joshua explained.

Laniyah grabbed the phone from Joshua.

"Leati, what do you mean we're married?" Laniyah asked him.

Joe groaned. Everyone called him Joe but Laniyah always called him by his government name.

"I'm looking at our marriage certificate and it says we've been married since 2003," Joe replied.

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