Chapter Two

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Chapter Two; Laniyah's POV

After the bombshell that Leati dropped on Laniyah. She was on the phone with her older sister, London, letting her know about her supposed marriage.

"Girl, he straight said on the phone to Josh, that him and I are married," Laniyah told London.

"Nini, what the hell? I can't believe y'all got married in Figi and don't even remember it happening," London said.

Laniyah rolled her eyes.

"The priest said that it was a commitment ceremony, not a marriage ceremony," Laniyah said.

"So, what are you going to do?" London asked her younger sister.

Laniyah sighed.

"Clearly, he wants to get married to his girlfriend so we'll get a divorce and stay far away from each other like we were doing before," Laniyah answered.

"So, you're not going to finally tell him about Rosalia?" She asked.

"For what? I just need to give him a divorce and that's it," Laniyah replied.

"I don't know, Laniyah, what if he finds out," She said.

"Rosalia is dead, London. The only people who knew about her; won't tell him," Laniyah said.

"I still think you should tell him," She said.

"What am I going to say? Hey, Leati, after we broke up, I had a baby and she was unable to breathe without a ventilator and died six days after her birth. London, that's crazy, plus you know I don't like talking about her," Laniyah said.

London sighed.

"Think this through, Laniyah," She said.

"I'll call you back, London," Laniyah said, ending the call.

Laniyah pulled over and started crying. Talking about the past and especially Rosalia made her emotional.

Laniyah found out that she was pregnant with Rosalia after she broke up with Leati. She had already completely cut off any contact with Leati. It was over. That fairytale ending she thought was her life, it actually wasn't. The cheerleader didn't get to marry the football player.

So she went on with her life and she wasn't ready to share the news of her pregnancy with him.

The first month was hard. She missed Leati. He had been her everything since senior year of high school. Now he wasn't. She needed to move on.

After she decided that the fourth month, she would be a single mother and things became easier for her. She hid her pregnancy from everyone and started work study at the registration office, taking on more than she probably should have taken on.

Then around the sixth mark of her pregnancy, Laniyah went into early labor. She was still months away from her due date. I hadn't even planned a thing like things for a nursery, let alone planned her maternity leave from school. All of a sudden she was heading to the hospital, where she spent a week and a half trying to keep herself from going into labor by sheer force of will.

But in the end, she gave birth in the hospital alone with no one in the hospital room with her aside from the doctor and nurses.

After, Rosalia was born. Laniyah immediately knew something was wrong with her. And she was right.

Rosalia's heartbeat had dropped, and she was clearly in distress. She couldn't breathe without a ventilator.

Laniyah was devastated after six days of survival, Rosalia had passed away. She held her baby. She was given some quiet time with her and also take photographs of her baby and collected mementos, such as foot prints, hand prints, and the blanket Rosalia was wrapped in at birth.

Laniyah's body started producing breast milk, which caused discomfort and distress. Her doctor prescribed her medicine that stopped her breasts producing milk. It caused a few side effects but it also helped her feel better emotionally.

Laniyah buried Rosalia, a week later back in Pensacola with only her immediate family and Leati's big brother, Matthew also known as Rosey, attending the funeral.

Matthew only knew about Rosalia's birth because he was close friends with London.

Laniyah returned back to school but not before reuniting with Takecia, Josh, and Jon.

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