Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One; Oh, Babies!

At thirty-one weeks, Laniyah's water broke. Even though she was sad about not being able to carry the triplets to at least thirty-seven weeks, she was happy she at least made it thirty-one weeks, so the babies had a better chance of survival.

"Joe.....Joe, wake up, baby......Leati!" Laniyah whispered loudly in his ear and he cracked his eyes open to peer down at her.

Joe groans but opens his eyes and raises an eyebrow at her. Joe smacks his lips as he fully wakes up, he sits up stretches, and squints at her.

"What time is it?" Joe asked Laniyah.

Laniyah looks at her phone. "It's six in the morning," Laniyah answered as she got out of bed.

"Why are you up?" Joe asked her.

"My water broke," Laniyah answered as she started getting ready to head to the hospital.

Laniyah waddles over into their walk-in closet and puts on one of Joe's merchandise t-shirts and joggers.

"What the hell, La?" Joe said surprised. He jumps out the bed before going into the closet. "When did your water break?" He asked her.

"About ten minutes ago," She answered.

"Did your mucus plug come out?" He asked.

"Yeah," She replied.

Joe throws on a tracksuit and a pair of shoes he can find. Then he picked up the bags they had packed for the hospital, walked over to Laniyah's side, and helped her into the shoes that she had gotten for her out of the closet.

"Thank you," Laniyah said to Joe.

"Are you ready?" Joe asked her.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Laniyah answered.

Within twenty-nine minutes Laniyah was in a hospital gown, sitting on the bed holding Joe's hand at Ascension Sacred Heart Pensacola. Laniyah braced herself for the pain of the oncoming contraction.

"You're doing great, baby girl," Joe told her.

Laniyah squeezed his hand.

"You know I'm gonna have a c-section, right? They won't let me push," Laniyah told Joe.

"I know, it's safer for you and the babies," Joe said.

Laniyah gritted her teeth.

"But I never had a c-section before, I'm scared," She told Joe.

Joe placed a kiss against Laniyah's forehead trying to soothe Laniyah's pain and worry.

"I'll be in there with you. I know you're scared, but you're doing great, so keep going. You've got this, baby girl," Joe told her.

He gives her a charming smile. "You've done this before, so there's no need to panic, Laniyah, soon we'll have three beautiful and healthy children in our arms," He said.

She smiles.

"Just keep talking to me when we go in there," Laniyah told Joe.

"Of course," Joe told her.

"Leati, I love you," Laniyah said as she winced through another contraction.

Joe nods. "I know, Laniyah. I love you too," He replied. She was clutching his hand tightly to get through the pain. "After this, I'll give you the best damn push present I can find you," He said.

"Vasectomy," Laniyah told Joe.

Joe gave her a look.

"You want me to get a vasectomy as your push present?" Joe asked her.

"Yeah, ten kids is enough, Joe, I know I said I wanted a lot of children but you're on the road a lot, and hiring extra help isn't enough for me. I feel like a single parent most of the time. Either we start using condoms or you get a vasectomy," Laniyah answered.

Joe was too stunned to find words, instead, he just started at Laniyah. She wanted him to get a vasectomy.

Laniyah giggled.

"I won't make you do it, Joe, calm down," Laniyah said.

Joe didn't believe her. Laniyah winces as another contraction hits and so does Joe. Joe hated to see his wife in pain, but it was all part of childbirth.

"If it makes you happy then I'll get one," Joe told her.

Laniyah nods.

"We'll talk about it when I'm not experiencing pain," She said.

Soon a nurse came in and told Laniyah it was time to deliver the babies. Joe got changed into a pair of scrubs that were given to him.

He kissed her on the lips as they rolled her into the operating room and put up a curtain to block Laniyah's view of her stomach being cut open.

Soon enough, a loud cry rings throughout the room.

Laniyah watches from behind the curtain as Joe peeks around it. She could see the shadows of each of her babies being taken out of her womb.

"Wahhh! Wahhh! Wahhh!"

"Wahhh! Wahhh! Wahhh!"

Laniyah let the tears fall down her face.

"Wahhh! Wahhh! Wahhh!"

"Wahhh! Wahhh! Wahhh!"

"They're here, baby, you did amazing. You were so brave. I'm so proud of you," Joe told her as he kissed her forehead before the doctor instructed him to cut the umbilical cords.

"Wahhh! Wahhh! Wahhh!"

"Wahhh! Wahhh! Wahhh!"

"We have two boys and a girl," Joe told Laniyah.

"Are they okay?" Laniyah asked him with worried eyes.

They had to be.

"So far, so good," Joe answered as they carried off to be inspected.

Laniyah sighs in relief.

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