Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen; Sunday Dinner

Sunday Dinner had been held at Laniyah's grandmother's house. The woman had spent four hours cooking and now everyone sat around the large dining table, it was an honestly overwhelming experience, but Joe thought it couldn't get any worse but Laniyah's grandfather decided to take a dig at London which made Matthew let the old man have a piece of his mind.

Joe focused on his meal, hoping to escape Laniyah's grandparents' need to question everything in their grandchildren's lives.

The meal was exquisite. Beef stir-fry with a sauce that screams deliciousness, cheesy mashed potatoes,  potato salad, cornbread, and roasted green beans.

The heavy tension exploded when Pastor Felix's questioned why Laniyah had went done such a stupid thing and married a wrestler when she should have found herself a promising young man.

"Now, Aunt Mabel, you had to kiss a few frogs before you found your prince but I didn't so I don't need any advice from you," Laniyah snapped.

"Get her," London said, snapping her fingers.

"Laniyah," Laken warned her daughter.

"Nope, I won't sit here and let her insult everyone including Joe, who hasn't done anything wrong to make you look down on him, Aunt Mabel. What he does for a living does not make him less of a promising man. Compared to the young men you have raised, you should be asking him to be a mentor to them; maybe they'll finally amount to something," Laniyah said.

"Yup, I love Sunday Dinners," Lukas said.

Matthew chuckled.

Colby and Jon looked back and forth between Laniyah and her aunt Mabel.

"Damn, Laniyah, you're just gonna go in for the kill like that," Laken said.

"Yup, she not about to keep poking at him for no reason," Laniyah said.

"So, that's how you feel?" Aunt Mabel asked, pointing her fork across the table.

"Point that fork at me again and I'll shove it down your throat," Laniyah warned Mabel.

Laniyah's grandmother gasped before looking at Laken to control her daughter.

Pastor Felix ain't say anything but solace his wife since he was not bold enough to face Laniyah's wrath. Laniyah could and would destroy anyone who is in her path when she's angry.

"I don't know how many times I have to tell y'all to leave that girl alone, y'all know she's always on a hundred," Louella said.

Renee shifted uncomfortably next to Jon. She had never seen a tense family fight like this before, even her family had issues but this was different.

"Oh, just because she has a disease doesn't mean we can't speak our opinions about anything involving her," Mabel said as she shot a dig at Laniyah.

Laniyah's blood was boiling. She hated when her aunt called her disorder, a disease. She was tired of hearing her aunt talk nonsense, so she pushed her chair back from the table and slammed her hands on the table. "You know what Mabel, just do us all a favor and shut up for once. Like shut the fuck up and mind your fucking business," Laniyah shouted.

"Laniyah," Joe said softly as he grabbed Laniyah's arm and lead her out of the dining room.

"Come back here. We're not done," Mabel taunted.

"No, we're done. Mabel, you have crossed the line," Laken said.

Mabel's eyes widen in shock.

"Your daughter crossed the line. You should have been her mother instead of her friend and maybe she wouldn't have issues," Mabel spat back.

Laken just shook her head. Mabel was goating her and it wasn't going to end well. She felt Lukas stiffen beside her. He was about to blow up.

"Stop talking about my daughter!" Lukas' booming voice shook the room and startled everyone around the table.

"Get him, please," London whispered to Matthew to grab her father.

Everyone who knew Lukas knows his temper, he may seem like the quiet and cool type but his temper was up there with Laniyah's temper and if he was angry then Laken would proceed to beat anyone's ass for making her husband upset.

But Mabel didn't stop.

Matthew stood up, and moved to grab Lukas who was now standing up ready to curse Mabel's ass out. "Come on, Lukas," Matthew said but the line had been crossed.

Lukas ignored him and looked at his wife.

"Drag her, Laken," Lukas told Laken.

Laken nods.

"Come here, bitch!" Laken growled as she lunges at Mabel and grabs her hair.

Lukas' eyebrows lifted in a warning and everyone knew not to get in between the two fighting women.

Meanwhile outside, Laniyah is pacing around in the backyard, pissed.

"Why didn't you speak up for yourself?" Laniyah asked Joe.

Joe didn't say anything. He watched as Laniyah fought an internal battle to try to cool herself calm down.

"You can't keep letting people walk all over you," Laniyah told him.

Joe sighed.

"I'm not trying to fight with your family, Laniyah," Joe said.

"It's not fighting if you're defending yourself," Laniyah said.

"Laniyah..." Joe started but was interrupted by the slamming of the back door.

"Yo! They're fighting!" Jon exclaimed.

"Who?" Laniyah asked Jon.

"Your mom and aunt," Jon answered.

Laniyah stormed into the house with Joe and Jon quickly following behind her.

"Why are they fighting?" Joe asked Jon.

Jon shrugged.

"The aunt crossed the line and Laniyah's dad told her mom to fight her aunt," Jon explained.

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