One Secret...

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Breakfast after her little emotional slip was very stilted and awkward. Madison couldn't understand why Remus refused to look at her.

  When she had arrived to the great hall after Sirius had talked her down from her panic attack. Remus was already sitting in their usual spot waiting for everyone to arrive.

    He had went ahead fixing Madison's plate like usual, shoveling more fruit then normal on her plate, having noticed she likes to eat fresh fruit when she isn't feeling the best, be it emotional or physical health.

She smiled thankfully as she gently sat down next to him. Gently squeezing his hand in a silent thanks as she sat by him. She didn't open her mouth, simply choosing to just sit there and be thankful for the small deed. It meant just as much to her as Sirius calming her down he was taking care of her when she simply had no energy to do so herself.

Madison slowly and gingerly picked at the food on her plate trying to eat as much as she could before she would try and sneak away to the library. Having a free period in the mornings for which she usually used to plan while the boys had double potions.

Looking up from her plate she looked at Remus noticing how sluggish and fatigued he was.

"Remus?...why don't you go back to the dorms and rest after breakfast? You still look exhausted. It must have been exhausting to have to travel home last night and wake up so early."

   Madison looked pointedly at Remus giving him and the Marauders the scape goat they needed if they still wanted to play the game, of acting as if she didn't already know his secret. Having spent a whole night in a werewolf's embrace, nuzzling and protecting her all night.

"The same could be said for you. Maybe the both of us can walk back together. You and me can go to your special place that you love running off to and hiding from us?" Remus said with a bit of a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Sirius and James looked like excited puppies, almost combusting with the amount of energy it took for them not to speak in that moment afraid they might break the tension between Remus and Madison.

"Okay, I think that's far enough. You can help me with some....homework that I have." Madison said barely sparing a look towards the other boys and they practically squealed knowing they would finally get to find out where she went and hid herself away. Even if they found out second hand

"You know what this means Prongs?" Sirius whispered to James

"Well of course I do Pads. Somewhere even we couldn't find." James whispered back to him. Not seeming to care if Madison could hear or not.

Looking up through her lashes at Remus as they slowly finished breakfast as James and Sirius both excited whispered back and forth. As she finished her plate and her morning cup of tea she turned to Remus.

"Are you ready to go? I'd rather get there before everyone start making their way out of the great hall. Easier to avoid questions." She said as she stood grabbing her bag and lugging it on her shoulder.

Remus nodded tiredly but stood all the same. Making his way yo follow after Madison. They didn't speak as Remus followed her through the corridors not speaking as he silently wondered where they were going. He noticed that they weren't headed in the direction of the library.

He had always kind of figured there must have been a secret alcove in the library that was hidden away. But not as they continued they suddenly arrived to a empty wall. Stopping behind Madison as she began to pace in front of it. He began to wonder if perhaps she had gone mad. Maybe she was lost, she was new.

But he was drawn from his thoughts as a foot suddenly began to materialize in front of him. How on earth had she done that. So shocked by the sudden appearance of a door. He missed Madison roll up to it and open it looking back at him with a smirk.

"Welcome to the room of requirement Remus. My secret hide away from you guys." She smirked as she disappeared into the room. Leaving Remus mouth agape in the stone corridor. Dozen of questions began to come to the front of his mind. As he couldn't help him self but to follow her into the mystery room.

As he entered the room, he noticed it looked like a common room almost. There was a large fireplace and a large cushy couch in front of it. Tons of blankets on the couch and matching arm chairs. Book shelves that went to the ceiling of the room. He even spied a bed in the corner of the room with dozens of pillows and blankets. Making a small little nest.

  "What is thus room? I've never seen a door on this corridor." Remus asked as he slowly ambled over to the couch where Madison had settled with a book and a blanket. She smiled looking up.

  " it's called the room of requirement. It provides you with a room you need. For me, it tends to be a place to get away. Somewhere were I can get away and decompress. When my anxiety is bad...some days are worse then others." She spoke not looking up. But Remus let her talk and get it off her chest.

   "Because of how you guys found me, some of my injuries haven't healed. So they hurt and one of them bleeds. Plus I've been dealing with some after effects of the crucuitus...especially on days I don't get a lot of sleep." She said with a slight tint of pink covering her cheeks and neck.

  "But you would know about some of that...wouldn't you Remus?" She said gently looking into Remus eyes. Making sure her eyes were the gentlest.

Remus stiffen like a board. Looking at her with a look of horror. " How long have you know?" He said barely above a whisper.

   "The entire time I've been at Hogwarts, your eyes shift to hold when you look at me. Before they change back to brown of course. If you are afraid I'm going to put you, I won't. Moony saved me last night, he came to me when a couple of Slytheriens tried to assault me. He held me and watched me all night. I snuck out of your grasp before the sun rose"

She said watching as Remus seemed to go through all the stages of grief. But settled on anger, eyes immediately going gold and staying that way.

" Someone tried to assault you? I don't think I even care if I hurt them. But you seem okay that I...that a monster saved you. Held you, wait did I hurt you? Bite you anywhere? Scratch you?"

He suddenly was right in front of Madison patting her down for injuries slipping her Gryfinndor robes off her shoulders to get a look at her bare arms. To focused on the task at hand to even notice how inappropriate this might actually be.

Remus settled down when he found no injuries or bandages besides the ones that Madison typically had in to cover her weeping cursed wounds.

Looking at where his hand held her arm now "Are you not disgusted by me?"

Madison couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her. "Remus you found me in the woods bleeding out from injuries I have still not explained to you how I got. You have shown me nothing but kindness and generosity, and unwavering friendship since I meet you. Why on earth would I care about something that only happens yo you one time a month? "

Madison had reached one hand up to cradle Remus cheek in her hand as she spoke. A small smile on her face as she looked into his golden eyes. No fear in her eyes.

"There is so much I want to tell you" Remus and Madison both said in sync. Both jumping back and blushing at the suddenness. Laughing  awkwardly together at the silliness of speaking at the same time. Madison tilted her head toward him in a gesture for him to go first.

Remus suddenly look pale and nervous. "Well since you know about, Moony it makes it so much easier for me to tell you this. You see, well Moony likes you a lot, well...actually more then a lot. He has claimed you as his mate. Which I suppose that would mean I also claimed you. I didn't want to pressure you into anything so I never bought it up." He said looking at the room.

"But you've shared this secret part of yourself with me. So it's only right that I share this with you."

Madison looked at him, her cheeks had turned a beautiful rosey color. The blush extended down her neck and just showing on the sliver of her chest that was visible to Remus.

"Well since we are telling secrets today...and you've told me all of yours. I feel like I need to be honest with you... and tell you how I ended up in those woods"

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