Lonely Distance

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     When Madison woke up in the hospital wing, she saw new gauze wrapped around her arm and the bed side table littered with potions. Her frown deepened as she slowly began to piece together what had happened that night.

    Her eyes slowly drifted around the room. Her hazel eyes settling on a startling pair of gold. She kept her composer not letting Remus on to the fact that Moony was showing.

     "I'm guessing I didn't sleep very well last night huh?" She joked slightly though Madison expression was filled with worry and anxiety.

    Remus smiled sadly at her "You know it's ok right? That you have nightmares. We may not know what happened to you. We also won't force you to tell us. But with how we found you. You've been through a lot"

     "I....I just I'm not very used to appearing this weak in front of people. It's very new to me." She hesitated on saying that. She knew it was the Slytherin in her, that refused to show weakness.

    Remus smiled slightly and moved from the parallel bed and stood in front of Madison

     " It's ok to lean on us. We're your friends now. We may not have know each other but two days. But we are your friends. Don't be afraid to come to me if you can't sleep. I'm pretty good at wizard chess. We can play to kill time at night." He said with a slight sparkle in his eyes.

    "I've got to get going, to class. You rest up. Maybe we'll see you at dinner....I mean Sirius and James and me...I'm not referring to myself as two people." He said nervously when he noticed he had been referring to Moony and himself. He practically wanted to slap himself. How could he be so stupid. He ducked his head down as he walked out of the hospital wing.

    What are these new feelings? Why did he feel this way about her? He didn't understand why he had such strong urges to protect her. Why did he feel this overwhelming connection to her.

[page break]

   After that day in the hospital wing, even though only kind words were said. There was a tension between them that Madison noticed. Remus seemed to avoid her as if she were a plague.

    Though she would never admit it, it kind of hurt to have one of the only faces she knew to openly avoid her. Had she done something to make Remus to dislike her?

  Since she didn't have Remus trying to talk to her. She decided to focus on her objectives of saving the future in the best ways she can without ruining her future.

   Sitting in the library books piled high around her. She researched protections spells. Ones that could temporarily kill someone if hit with a killing curse then revive them. If she could create a spell like that makes everything go the way it suppose to. To cast this spell on James and Lilly, to make them think that there saving there son. To make sure Harry still becomes the chosen one.

     She scribbled notes on a piece of parchment, completely unaware of the two spying boys. Sirius slowly creeped behind her, only to get stuck on a sticking charm that Madison had placed all around her working area. Madison looked up with tired eyes turning to look behind her to see Sirius and James stuck to the floor.

   Sirius had a guilty look on his face but a giant grin appeared

      "You really must not want someone to cheat off of your homework work huh."

   Madison shook her head shoving the parchment she had into a leather bound book she had been carrying around

      " Yeah, something like that. Plus you learn to be pre-cautious  when you come from the back ground I do"

   James and Sirius faces stayed stotic, not showing any emotion. But they're eyes did, Sirius obsidian eyes showed looks of  concern and understanding. While James shows sympathy and caring. Madison waved her wand muttering the counter charm. They're feet no longer stuck to the floor.

   Sirius then stepped forward " What happened between you and Remus. I mean he's been avoiding you, for what a week and a half? Even though he looks like a puppy waiting for his master to come home when ever he see you. I mean it's none of my business I suppose but, I thought I'd come ask you before I start to drill Remus about it." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

   Madison shook her head with a small smile "I don't know what happened. He was fine the last time we spoke then he like shut down around me. I kind of miss having someone to talk to." She whispered

    Remus had been by her side the first couple days she had gotten there. He was the one who came in when he knew she was having nightmares who carried her to the hospital wing when she had clawed her wound open.

   "But if you get the chance, tell him that I'm looking forward to that game of wizard chest that he offered to play with me."  She smiled sadly as she turned on her heels and walked to the room of requirements to get some peace and quiet.

     So she could continue working on the spell that would hopefully save her sister's future best friends parents.

   Sirius watched as Madison left cursing underneath his breath 

      "Bloody hell, so it's Remus who acting this way. He wants to be around her you can clearly tell. But he's avoiding her. What are we gonna do Prongs. If I see that lost puppy expression again I swear I'm gonna hex him." Sirius grumbled running his hand through his hair.

    "Maybe we can trick them? Well Remus really, our potion grade might suffer a little but if it get Moony to stop sulking it will be bloody worth it." He mutter with the same look of tired frustration that Sirius had.

He then had a serious expression

" You've heard him in his sleep haven't you. There's something going on that he's not telling us. Maybe we should just ask him?"

    "When does us just asking ever actually work Prongs. Maybe we can slip some 'truth serum' in some chocolate. He'll spill his guts." Prongs smiled wickedly.

Over a thousand word!!!! I'm really into writing this story I have a lot of plans and ideas. I'm hoping you guys like it. Leave me a comment on what you think should happen? Do you like we're I'm taking this?
If I can get one comment I'll update this as fast possible.

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