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After many weeks of plotting and scamming, not to forget the failed attempts to get Remus to eat said drugged chocolate.

   But finally after weeks of trying, a week before the full moon. Remus finally ate the chocolate. What the boys found out surprised them more then they thought.

James looked at Remus surprised

     "So let me get this straight, she's your mate. From all the books on werewolves I thought mates or even mating was extremely rare. Like one in a hundred." James whispered as he paced around the bedroom

Remus looked at the floor almost in embarssment.

     "I know how, rare it is. But I've never had someone make tamed. He practically turns into a lap dog when it comes to her. I want to claim her. Make her mine. In every meaning of the word."

Sirius gave out a whistle

    " Well I'd never thought I'd see the day Remus turn into a lap dog for anyone but us on a full moon. But to see Moony become so agitated in more manly ways" he said while wiggling his eyebrow.

Remus growled

     " This isn't the time to be joking around Sirius. I think I'm falling in love with a girl who we barely know. All we do know about her is she has a traumatic past that we don't know about because, she so scared of everybody and everything that she won't tell us."

James hit Sirius upside the head

    "Padfoot, this isn't the time for your perverted jokes. Moony is serious about this girl. That means as his best mates it's our soul job to help them get together." Prongs smirked from ear to ear. While a feeling of complete and utter dread just filled Remus to the bone. There was no way a smart girl like Madison would ever fall for something that these two idiots came up with to get them together.

Remus toke a deep breath

    "If you could please....not, I just I need to do it all myself I want her to fall in love with me naturally not because you messed with her. Not because she knows that I'm imprinted on her. I don't want her to think like most human imprints do. To think that I'm being forced by some mystical hand. Hell half of my feeling for her came from my complete confusion about her." He whispered as he ran his hands through her hair.

Sirius frowned

      "But you've been avoiding her for half a week. You can practically see the shine in her eyes dying away because the one person she considered her friend is avoiding her. So so as a true friend right now I'm going to tell you. You've fucked up. In trying to figure shit out you have let this vulnerable girl who had no one she really trust, think she's even more alone then she really is."

James and Remus both look at him shocked. Sirius smirked

    "What just because I get around doesn't mean I don't listen to what girls say. Lily really isn't the quietest person about her romantic problem. Or problem in general really. You really should start paying attention to things like that James, maybe you'd finally get the girl" Sirius said in a half way sarcastic voice but everyone knew it was true.

Remus looked at the floor

      " Is me not being around her really effecting her that way. I'm just one guy." James then toke this moment to look up.

"We may not know what horrible situation she comes from. But we...we do know is you bring comfort to her. She doesn't seem as tense around you. Well any of us really. She doesn't seem to close her self of to people as much when your around. Did you know she set little booby traps up around where she's working when she alone. Me and Pads got stuck on a sticky charm that she had to release us from."

Remus's eyes widened he didn't know that Madison was that guarded. She wasn't that way when he was around. Which was good, relief filled him knowing that she wasn't this way around him. But it also made him all the more curious as to what happened to Madison. He wasn't sure he could actually talk to her into telling him what happened. He sighed

    "I get it I know what I have to do now." He whispered looking at his two best mates.

[end of chapter]
Thanks for reading this far into my story. I would love to have feed back from you guys. Tell me what you want to happen? Tell me what you want to see? Who you want to see? I was thinking of putting Bellatrix in a upcoming chapter. Maybe the Potter ball? Tell me what you think?

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