Snake In Lions Clothes

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Remus gazed down at the sleeping girl as she laid in the hospital bed of the infirmary. Remus had managed to get her to Madam Pomfrey as quickly as they could. The poor medi-witch was so astounded by the amount of injuries, blood and curse after effects that covered this girl.

The old medi-witch let out a gasp as she found and read the crudely carved  words carved into the poor girls arm. She also took notice to how the young girls body flinched away from almost all physical touch. The slight tremor of her body was another symptom she noticed bringing her to only one conclusion.

Madam Pomfrey knew by her quick assessment of the girls injuries and symptoms these were signs of the after effects of the cruicotus curse. She waved her wand as potions appeared at the witches side, started to individually pour themselves down the girls throat as she held her head up.

Remus watched from the side of the girls bed. While James and Sirius, lingered by the foot of the bed, looking at Remus trying to make eye contact with him to motion for him to leave the girl.

But Remus couldn't, his instincts screamed at him, the wolf lashing at it chains in his subconscious to protect this girl. He knew he at least needed to stay until he was absolutely sure that she was stable and on the road to recovery. That the girl would make it.

Something about this girl bought the wolf closer to the surface. Closer then he had ever been comfortable with showing. It made the wolf stir crazy, pacing circles in his head. Seeing this girl he didn't even know lying there broken. Remus knew it was most likely because the full moon was but a few days out. But seeing 'THAT' word engraved in the delicate flesh of her arm practically made him vibrate in rage. The question is, what type of monster engraved that filthy slur into someone's skin.

From the way that black bled around the wound, dark little wisp of dark magic, and the foul stinch of it he could tell a cursed blade of some sort was used. Which meant those words would forever mar her beautiful white skin.

Beautiful? Remus eyes widened quickly shaking his head he couldn't be thinking things like that, not when he didn't even know the girls name. He looked back down at her pale face, sweat covered her scrunched up brow. He could tell she was in a lot of pain still.

What the hell had this girl been through, who was she? He had so many questions for the girl. But the way Madam Pomfrey hovered over her, he got the feeling she was in for a long painful recovery. One he could hopefully help with. He thought as he suddenly turned, motioning for the other three to come and left the medical wing. Not wanting to be late for one of his classes.


Madison felt a cool liquid slide down her throat, soothing some of the burning her whole body felt, the small bit of relief was heaven sent. She slowly opened her eyes, Blue eyes meet very familiar grey eyes of a man who she knew to be dead. She slowly opened her mouth

"Dumbledore?" her voice cracked, her eyes began to subconsciously tear up. This was the man she thought to be dead. The one who helped her muggle parents find Diagon Alley so that Hermione and her could buy the school supplies that first year at Hogwarts. This man was like a grandfather to almost every student.

The grey eyes softened "My dear girl, you have been quite the ordeal. Madam Pomfrey has healed most of your wounds as much as she could. But it would seem...whoever did this to you...seems to have used a cursed blade I'm afraid your wounds will never truly heal."

She frowned looking down at her arm, it still hurt. As if Bellatrix was still carving the dreadful word into her arm. She knew the bleeding and constant feeling wouldn't fade for a while.

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