Panic Attack

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As the moon went down and the sun finally began to rise high in the sky. Madison made her escape from the animagi and the sleeping werewolf. She quickly grabbed what remained of her clothes, quickly finding her wand.

Quickly started repairing her torn shirt and skirt. So she didn't look as if she had been sleeping outside all night. She gave one last look at the marauders before she made her way inside the castle. Making her way to the nearest shower she could find.

When she entered the bathroom she quickly shed her cloths and stepped into the stream of water she had just started. She didn't even mind that the water was still cold, having not given it time to warm up yet. A shudder ran down her spine as she looked up into the spray of the water.

She felt filthy she didn't know if it was a the thought of what those boys would have done to her if Moony hadn't come to the rescue. Madison frowned getting a sudden flash of the face of Greyback, the look of arousal he had looking at her all while Bellatrix tortured her. The memory's of that night only came in fractured pieces broken apart by the agonizing pain Madison felt from each curse casted at her broken body.

She suddenly felt a unbearable feeling of nausea at the feeling of guilt that someone who wasn't worthy of knowing Remus secret now knew. It was all her fault, the thought made her knees almost crumble out from under her.

She hated to think what those pure bloods would do when they finally figure out who the werewolf was. She was sure that they would try and get Remus suspended for being a danger to human life. Which Remus most certainly wasn't a danger to anyone.

Taking one long breath, she couldn't handle the emotions she was feeling and how dark her thought were. Madison quickly finished at least cleaning her self enough that she got out of the shower. Quickly tossing on her skirt and button up shirt. Sliding her arms into her robe. She exited the bathroom, when she got to the hallway, she notice that people just started to make there way the dining hall.

As she approached the great hall. She heard "Madison! Wait!" Arms suddenly grabbed for her arms. A part of Madison knew that it was just one of the boys. But her body went on the defense and twisted out of there hold grabbing ahold of her wand and pointing it at them.

   Her eyes weren't even focused anymore, tears had pooled into them. Her breathing had become erratic and uneven. She sounded almost like she was gasping for breath. Suddenly her arm that had been pointing her wand at who she would later learn was James. She began to grasp her chest.

Sirius looked at her with a look of understanding , he slowly began to approach her his hands held up in defense showing that he would do her no harm. "Madi, i'm going to need you to try and take a deep breath. You're having what I believe muggles call a panic attack. It happens to a lot of people who have gone through traumatic experiences."

Sirius finally got close enough he could touch her, but he didn't he used his hand to move her head so that Madison was looking into the steel gray of his eyes. "We need to take some deep breaths and count. Count after every breath you manage to take. Focus on evening out your breathing ok? Ready?"

   Madison managed to nod her head. Slowly she tried breathing in but it sounded almost like she was choking on the very breathe she was trying to get to her lungs. But she started counting.




Choking. Breathe.




Flashes. Images.


Steady breathes.


Regaining composure


Blinking tears away. Eyes never faltering.




Deep breathe


Sirius said the final number with her. A small smile on his face.

   "I knew you could do it kitten" Madison looked at him with slight concern herself

   "Do I want to know why you know how to calm down someone from a panic attack?" Sirius looked at her with a look that was only half joking

   "What can I say I have a really fucked up family, they leave a lot to be desired" he said with a laugh that only sounded half kidding.

She smiled sadly at him "I'm sorry, and thank you, you pulled me out of what ever I was just in. I just, I thought you guys were...we're them" as soon as those words left her mouth they boys instantly looked furious. Beyond mad, as they all remembered the events of the night they had all just had.

Sirius walked towards Madison and engulfed her in a hug. It was honestly one of the most comforting she had felt in a while. She leaned into his embrace and finally let out what she had been holding in and sobbed into his shoulder. She was crying so hard she didn't even notice when they had moved them into one of the secret passages so that she could have some privacy.

Even though they had stepped inside the passage way. Gold eyes of a certain werewolf followed them. Jealousy boiling in his gut. Jealous that Sirius was holding his girl. Remus looked down and continued passed them to the great hall not even paying attention to them. They were to focused on Madison to even notice.

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